Your Summer 2023 Horoscopes Are Here! – Jarastyle

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We’re all in for a summer of abundance because Jupiter, the planet of expansion and growth, just moved into Taurus, the sign of money, luxury, and material goods, in May. More good news: We’re out of eclipse season just in time for summer, and Mercury retrograde ended a couple of weeks ago. So this season should be much smoother sailing compared to the past few months. Changes can still develop during the few months after an eclipse, though, so be on the lookout for some lingering effects. But all good things must come to an end eventually, and we’ll be ending August during another Mercury retrograde. Keep reading below for your summer horoscope to find out what you can expect over the next few months:
June Dates to Know

June 3: Full moon in Sagittarius
June 18: New moon in Gemini
June 21: The summer solstice and start of Cancer season

July Dates to Know

July 3: Full moon in Capricorn
July 17: New moon in Cancer
July 22: Leo season begins

August Dates to Know

August 1: Full moon in Aquarius
August 16: New moon in Leo
August 23: Virgo season begins and Mercury goes retrograde in Virgo
August 30: Full moon in Pisces


You’ll start off the summer itching to get away for a weekend, so look into short day trips nearby or plan a trip to visit a friend for a few days. July will feel slower-paced compared to social Gemini season, and it’s the perfect opportunity to spend some much-needed time at home. Make the most of the final days of summer by focusing on your hobbies and tap into your creative side.
You’ll be ending the summer during the most romantic time of the year for you: Leo season. Refresh your dating app photos, say yes to plans where you can meet people, or plan a special date night.
Communication will be flowing in June, so use that energy to wrap up any speaking or writing projects at your job. You could have more meetings or calls that you have to lead pop up on your calendar, so be sure to prepare beforehand so you know what you want to say. 

Try to keep track of your spending during June and take a pause before making any impulse purchases. Especially as a luxury-loving Taurus, it can be hard for you to resist shopping. But if you do feel the urge to buy something, go for a new book, since Cancer season will pique your interest in reading and learning. By the end of the summer, you’ll want to revert to your homebody ways. Consider rearranging your furniture or cleaning out your closet to make your space comfy. You might also be taking a trip to visit family.
Your brain space will be mainly taken up by work, money, and home and family over the summer, so you won’t have a ton of time for dating. Don’t worry—Virgo season starts at the end of August, and that will be a much more romantic time for you. 
Pick up some new skills that will be useful at work during Gemini season. Take an online course or ask your manager what you can work on to get closer to a promotion. If you’ve been considering freelancing or starting a side business for additional income, make moves on that now.  

You’re in your element during June since we begin the month in Gemini season. You’ll be even more popular than you usually are with plenty of invites and plans with friends. Your season is kind of like your own personal new year, too, and you might feel like making a change to your hair or style.
Gemini season is an ideal time for you to put yourself out there if you’re single because you’ll catch the eye of anyone you’re interested in. With the full moon in Sagittarius at the beginning of June, you could be making it official with someone you’ve been dating, or it could mean a breakup if you’re not happy in your relationship. 
You’ll be an attention magnet during your season, so you could get recognition at work for doing a fantastic job on a recent project. You may also have some networking opportunities during Cancer season, so be sure to use your chatty ways to your advantage. As a Gemini you already have a gift for communication, and that will be on full display during Leo season with writing and speaking responsibilities.

If you usually bottle up your feelings, Gemini season is a great time to try to talk about them with friends, family, or a therapist. You’ll feel much better getting it off your chest rather than trying to keep everything in. You’ll be relishing in your alone time in June, especially because you’ll be more social than usual come Cancer season. As a homebody, all the attention you receive during your season can sometimes feel overwhelming, so make sure you get some relaxation time in between plans.
For those in a relationship, plan a cozy night in during Gemini season with your significant other. Cancers tend to be more introverted, so take advantage of being in the spotlight during your season to strike up a convo with someone or update your dating apps if you’re single. 
Buckle down at work during Leo season and think about what you can do to improve your skills and hopefully earn a raise. If you’ve been concerned about money lately, August is a good time for you to try to find another source of income.

Gemini season will bring plenty of opportunities for you to socialize, meet new people, and network. Leos are typically social by nature, but if you start to get burnt out, Cancer season will give you a break. Then at the end of the summer comes your favorite time of year: Leo season. Leos are no stranger to being the center of attention, but you’ll be extra magnetic during your season.
You could meet a friend of a friend that you like during Gemini season, so ask your friends if they know anyone they could set you up with. You might meet someone through a community that you’re part of, too, like the gym or a book club. 
Look out for networking events during June, even if it’s just a work happy hour. Don’t be nervous to ask someone at work out to lunch or coffee to make a new connection. You may have more collaborative projects at your job during this time, too. As a Leo you like to take charge, but try to be flexible about how others want to do things. 

You’ll be focused on work during June, but you’ll get the chance to hang out with friends during July. Leo season and the end of the summer will give you time to slow down after busy Gemini and Cancer seasons. Use this time to recharge and spend some time alone.
Summer is mainly about your career and friends, but you could meet someone at work or through friends. If you’re already in a relationship, you could make new friends through your SO or have more double dates scheduled. 
Gemini season is all about career for you. You could be busier than usual at work or you might be asked to lead a new project. If you’re looking for a new gig, definitely start applying during this time. July could bring more collaboration with coworkers, which is not your strong suit. Being such perfectionists, teamwork can be difficult for Virgos, so try to avoid micromanaging.

You could have a big trip coming up or might be in the process of planning one during June. You’ll also be interested in learning about a new subject during this time, so look for books or classes you can take. As a Libra you’re already very social, but your schedule will be particularly packed during Leo season.
You won’t really be thinking about dating during the summer, but your season is coming up in the fall, and it will be a much better time to try to meet someone.
Since you’ll have a desire to learn during Gemini season, consider brushing up on a topic that could be helpful for your career. You could even be graduating or deciding to go back to school to enhance your skills. 

Scorpios are already pretty secretive, but you might feel extra tight-lipped in June. Try not to be so closed off, especially with people close to you. You might be setting off on a big trip in July or starting to plan your next vacation. Just get all your traveling done before August, when you’ll have more going on at your job, or try to work ahead so you’re not stressing about taking time off. 
Gemini season is a perfect time to spend some one-on-one quality time with your significant other. You could be having deeper conversations with them or with someone you’ve just started seeing. 
Something to look forward to: You could get a raise or receive unexpected money during Gemini season. Your career will be highlighted at the end of the summer, so unfortunately, you may not have much time for fun things in August. Work hard now because you’ll have a social Virgo season coming up in September. 

You might be spending Cancer season reviewing your finances. Creating a budget for yourself will definitely help keep you on track spending-wise, since Sagittariuses are often impulsive, which can become a problem when shopping. Lean into your love for knowledge and exploring during Leo season by learning about a new subject or taking a trip somewhere new.
During June you’ll be focused on your significant other—spending more time with them or moving your relationship to the next level. And if you’re not already in a relationship, around the new moon in Gemini, you could meet someone new, your crush might finally talk to you, or you could be starting a new relationship with the person you’ve been dating.
You may be tasked with training new hires, teaching something to your coworkers, or giving a presentation at work toward the end of the summer. Sags often prefer to play things by ear, but you should try to be a little more structured with this to make sure you’re covering everything you need to discuss.

Use Gemini season to revamp your daily routine. Get into a regular workout schedule or try planning out your meals for the week to avoid eating out all the time. This is a great time to take care of any errands you’ve been putting off, too.
During Cancer season (and especially around the middle of July with the new moon), you might start dating someone that you’re really excited about. You could also be getting to a new point in your relationship, whether that’s moving in together, becoming official, or getting engaged. 
June is a good month for you to get the dreary duties, like expenses or scheduling, out of the way at work. As a Capricorn you always want to do everything the best way you can, but try not to get too bogged down in the details. 

You’ll start summer on a high note during Gemini season, which is a time for fun and creativity for you. Get back into a hobby you haven’t had time for or try starting a new one. Make the most of this season because July will be more mundane and filled with things like catching up on chores.
Summer is pretty much the best period of the year for your love life, since both Gemini and Leo seasons are romantic times for you. Gemini season is perfect for single Aquarians looking to get back in the dating scene, while Leo season will highlight personal relationships, such as a significant other. 
Cancer season will bring up work tasks that can feel boring, like updating budgets, but remember that keeping those things up to date will help you out in the long run. If you let yourself get behind on those duties, they can build up and become overwhelming.  

During Gemini season, you’ll be spending more time at home or with family. Rest up and recharge before July, when you’ll have more action happening with your love life. Cancer season is also great for creative hobbies. Creativity comes naturally to you as a Pisces, so try an adult coloring book or paint by numbers to relieve stress at the same time.
Schedule some dates or update your dating apps during Cancer season because this is a romantic part of the year for you. Or if you’re already dating someone, take advantage of the season by planning a fun date doing something new. 
Your job could feel a little tedious in August, and you might have more administrative work than usual. Keep in mind that those tasks are necessary to keep things running smoothly, even if they’re not the most fun.
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