Your May 2023 Horoscopes are Here! – Jarastyle

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It may be hard to believe, but summer is almost here. And with all the sunshine and warm days, you may be developing senioritis. Who wants to be in the office (or home office) when you can be sunbathing? There’s another reason for that feeling, too: We start off May right in the thick of Mercury retrograde. To add to that, there’s also a lunar eclipse in Scorpio on May 5, so with all this action, you may feel disoriented. Don’t worry, though, because Mercury retrograde only lasts through May 14, and then we’ll be in the clear. Another important event this month is Jupiter’s entry into Taurus since the planet takes about one year to make its way through each sign. To find out what all this means for your zodiac sign, keep reading for your May horoscope below. 
The Month at a Glance

May 5: A lunar eclipse in Scorpio starts off May with a bang. This is the last Scorpio eclipse for a while, but we still have one more Taurus eclipse in October to close out this eclipse series.
May 7: Venus enters Cancer on May 7. Venus in this water sign gives off a very emotional energy.
May 14: Mercury retrograde in Taurus is finally over on May 14. You can expect things to go more smoothly and to have fewer breakdowns in communication, travel, and technology.
May 16: Jupiter enters Taurus. Jupiter has been in Aries for a year, since May of 2022. Taurus is much slower paced and patient compared to Aries, so any changes you experience might take a little longer to play out. 
May 19: There’s a new moon in Taurus on May 19. Take a bubble bath, splurge on an item that’s been on your wishlist, or have a spa day to take advantage of Taurus’ luxurious spirit. 
May 20: Mars moves into Leo. While the planet is in this sign, don’t be afraid to take the spotlight and be the main character of your life.
May 21: Get ready for chaos—Gemini season begins on May 21. You may find it hard to focus on one thing or to follow through on anything you’re doing before bouncing on to the next activity.

Be careful not to overspend during Taurus season. Aries can be impulsive, so try to think things through before making any purchases you don’t really need. You should be especially wary around the lunar eclipse at the beginning of the month, as this could bring up money issues. On the flip side, you could receive some unexpected money thanks to family members or a raise at work. With your ruling planet, Mars, entering Leo, you might feel more confident expressing yourself through your style or artistic projects. If there are any hobbies you could turn into a side hustle, try it out now.

Your season plus Jupiter entering your sign equals luck. Jupiter will be in your sign until May of 2024, so definitely take advantage of the planet’s expansive and optimistic energy. With Jupiter moving into Taurus and the new moon occurring in your sign on the 19th, you can expect plenty of new beginnings this month. Mercury has been retrograde in your sign for the past few weeks, so you’ll feel less foggy when it ends on the 14th.

Use Taurus season as a time to relax before all the activity of Gemini season begins on May 21. Your ruler Mercury has been retrograde since the end of April, so you’ve probably had some difficulty with communication, which is typically your strong suit. You may have been feeling extra tired or down, but now that Mercury is going direct, you’ll start to snap out of it. The eclipse in Scorpio will help you get back on track with your daily routine, too. 

Taurus season is about community for you. Whether you have tons of parties and dinner plans or you’re collaborating with coworkers, you’ll likely be busier than usual. Too much socializing can be draining for an introverted Cancer, so be sure to take some time to yourself for hobbies or just to chill. The new moon in Taurus could mean making new friends or meeting a lot of people at work events or social gatherings. 

With the sun and new moon in Taurus this month, your attention will be turned toward your career. You could start a new job or be promoted in your current role. As a determined Leo, you tend to become hyper focused on a project or activity once you get into it, so try to find some time to hang out with friends or watch your favorite show to get your mind off of work. Mercury retrograde in Taurus for the past few weeks may have caused confusion or delays in your career, but that will come to an end when the planet goes direct on May 14.

Taurus season will activate the part of your birth chart associated with travel, learning, reading, and writing. As a Virgo, you already have a way with words, but this is a particularly good time for you to focus on writing and communication projects. You might also be feeling the itch to take a trip, so start planning where you want to go next. Try to wait until after Mercury retrograde ends to actually jet off, though. Mercury is your ruler, so you’ll really be feeling this retrograde, and that could lead to travel disruptions and delays. 

Your ruling planet, Venus, moving into Cancer on May 7 will add a dose of positivity to your career. Lean into that energy by taking on new opportunities at work or by applying to your dream job. Taurus season and Jupiter in Taurus will bring big money opportunities for you, so this is an ideal time to go after a raise or a position with a higher salary. 

There’s an eclipse in Scorpio on May 5, and this is the last eclipse in your sign out of the Taurus/Scorpio series (there’s one more Taurus eclipse in the fall). You’ll probably start to notice changes in your personal life now that these eclipses are wrapping up. Taurus season and the new moon will highlight your relationships, too. You could make it official with someone you’re dating, or you might level up with your current significant other. 

Your ruler Jupiter entering Taurus and this month’s new moon mean positive things for your health and daily life. You might find a new type of workout that you love that inspires you to exercise more often. This is a great time to try to develop a more structured routine, which is not your favorite thing as an impulsive Sag. You might not be feeling like your usual bubbly self around the eclipse in Scorpio at the start of May, so try to add some activities that will brighten your mood to your schedule.

The eclipse in Scorpio and new moon in Taurus will teach you how to have work/life balance. You might realize you’ve become better at taking time off with this eclipse series over the past year. As a Capricorn, relaxing isn’t your favorite thing to do, but you can make it work for you by designating specific times to do fun things or by setting hard boundaries and not checking emails outside or work hours. Meditating or journaling could be a good way to clear your mind, too. 

Get ready for some major career happenings this month with the eclipse in Scorpio. You might be closing out a chapter at work, or you could start to consider making a change to your career path. Taurus season is also about home and family for you, so they’ll be on your mind, too. Call your parents just to chat and catch up or book a trip to visit family. If you’re planning to move, Jupiter moving into Taurus is the perfect opportunity to search for your new crib. 

You’ll have a lot going on with learning and communication during Taurus season. You may be considering going back to school, or you could develop a fascination with a subject and have to learn everything about it. Spend some time browsing a book store—you could find a new favorite genre. This will also be helpful energy for any writing or speaking you have to do. 
More Zodiac Stories for You

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The Big Three: What Your Sun, Moon, and Rising Signs Actually Mean

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