Which One To Use And Why? – Jarastyle

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React Router Vs. React Router DOM: Which One To Use And Why?

React is the ultimate library for extensively building visually appealing and dynamic UI. This involves gaining the absolute reusable components and not the full-fledged framework.

React includes routing as well as advanced features. Are you looking to build advanced applications in React? If so, you can choose to hire react js developer to get the proper systems and navigate between the pages. It is important to install a separate library called React Router to add functionality to the React app.

What Is React Router?

React developers have been installing React Router libraries. Most developers are not quite sure whether to install the react-router package or react-router-dom. React Router is one of the standard libraries for routing among the view components across the React applications.

These are quite helpful for easily keeping the user interface in sync with the URL. React Router is also the perfect option for defining the view of displaying specified URLs. The main reason is that these use similar methods but are quite different.

Routing is the essential technique to easily navigate through the pages on the website based on actions and user requests. React Router is the separate library that enables routing in React applications.

These also allow for enhancing the multiple routes in an application. It is quite convenient to hire react js developer to easily install the react-router and react-router-dom package even without any hassle.

React router is also a popular tool used in the React application. It will be a suitable option to create an application containing multiple pages. These also allow you to easily navigate through pages even without reloading WebPages. The method is helpful for creating react routers.

Why Is React Router Required?

React is quite an amazing JavaScript framework suitable for extensively building single-page applications. These involve the best solution for building the website.

Normally, React is not equipped with more advanced features or routing. React Router is the best option for easily navigating single-page applications. It will be perfect for easily rendering multiple views.

These would be integrated into React framework so it includes more features like:

  • Asynchronous URL changes
  • Offloading the load
  • Client-side routing to keep apps in sync with browser URL
  • Uses <Link> to navigate to views or pages
  • Using <BrowserRouter> for routing across application
  • Provides many features out of the box
  • Built on top of React library
  • Used for single-page application
  • Uses <Routes> and <Route> to render

React router is an amazing tool or library for easily building with React. These extensively support better routing mechanisms for improving stability. These use the advanced library for configuring routes.

It will be suitable for adding user requests even with respect to the route. Many organizations hire react js developers to develop the navigating feature with the framework.

The main packages related to React Router are:

  • react-router – Contains core functionality in React Router, such as hooks and route-matching algorithms
  • react-router-dom – Contains everything with react-router, along with adding DOM-specific APIs
  • react-router-native – Contains everything in react-router with adding React Native-specific APIs

What Is React Router Dom?

Primary functionality of the react-router-dom involves implementing dynamic routing across web apps. These are based on the platform and requirements of the application. Using the react-router-dom lets you easily get the component-based routing. It is an ideal option for routing with the React application on the browser.

Are you looking to add the React Router to React applications? It is quite important to import from the modules such as import {Router, Route, Routes}. There is no need to install these directly on the project. You should instead install React Router DOM when you are writing an application that runs in the browser.

  • Enables to create single-page web or mobile apps
  • Allows navigating without refreshing the page
  • Allows to use a browser
  • Easy-to-view History features
  • Preserves the right application view

Difference – React Router Vs. React Router DOM In React:

React developers especially have identical libraries from the react-router-dom, react-router-native, and react-router. React-router library involves maximum features along with custom components of react-router-dom libraries.

You can also choose to hire a react js developer to get the broad library for easily uniting the 2 important specific libraries. React-router-native will be enabled with React Native, so this framework involves better options for building mobile applications under React. React-router-dom is an amazing library suitable for adding routing functionality on web apps in React.

Are you looking to build a React application for browsers? Then you can hire a react js developer to use the react-router-dom in much more sophisticated aspects. All the custom components in the main react-router library are involved, and react-router-dom is packed with components: <BrowserRouter>.

These involve an improved version of the <Link> component as well as the <NavLink> custom component. There is no need to import the main react-router library in different aspects and you can hire react js developer for custom designing.

Custom Link component from the react-router-dom package is:

import { Link } from “react-router-dom”;

export default function App() {


return <div className=”App”>Sample app</div>;


When To Use React Router Vs. React Router DOM?

Routing is especially the user-side navigation for varied pages on the website. These involve a rendering mechanism with its own routing and better way for easy navigation.

Normally, the React Router involves Client Side Routing, so this enables Client Side Rendering. It gives a dynamic mechanism for dealing with the data. Client Side rendering, especially orders servers for dealing with data which rests on rendering and routing to be handled.

Traditional routing provides a different index.html for the different pages, so the Client Side Rendering does not return on the index.html file. It provides a completely smooth Single Page Application Routing experience suitable for providing the forward and backward route ability. This also uses the history API extensively keeping URLs updated. You can learn here how to update React Router with a detailed guide.

  • React-router is a core package with standard components
  • React-router Implements routing in React applications
  • React-router is the core npm package for routing
  • React-router-dom is a superset for react-router
  • Providing additional components such as BroswerRouter, NavLink, as well as other
  • React-router helps in routing for web applications
  • React-router-dom is a specialized package to use in web-browser-based application development
  • React-router-dom exports react-router as a dependency
  • React-router-dom has additional DOM (document object model)
  • Binds <BrowserRouter> and <Link>


Whether you are working on a web application, then you can hire react js developer by choosing react-router-dom. These contain all the necessary features and components for routing in web applications.

The router in React JS involves the router components for the react-native applications. The router component is involved with the key characteristic, which works both on Static and Web Dynamic URLs.


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Jarastyle –
Courtesy : https://www.stephilareine.com/2023/06/react-router-vs-react-router-dom-which-one-to-use-and-why.html?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=react-router-vs-react-router-dom-which-one-to-use-and-why
