What Causes Thinning Hair and How to Treat It – Jarastyle

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Lemooree – What Causes Thinning Hair and How to Treat It

Hair loss and thinning hair are widespread issues that affect both men and women. As we grow older, it’s common to experience some degree of hair thinning and shedding. But when excessive hair fall leads to visible patches of the scalp or compromised hair density, it can be upsetting and distressing. Understanding the potential causes and exploring science-based treatment options is key.

What Triggers Excessive Hair Loss and Thinning Hair?

There are various interconnected factors that can contribute to accelerated hair fall well beyond the normal 100 strands a day. Some of the key culprits include:

Genetics: Also clinically termed androgenetic alopecia, this is the most prevalent cause of hair loss not only in men but also in women. It’s characterized by a gradual decline and miniaturization of hair follicles over time and is inherited through families.

Hormonal Imbalances: Fluctuations in androgens like testosterone, estrogen, thyroid hormones, and more can disrupt the hair growth cycle, triggering excessive shedding and progressive thinning. Conditions like PCOS and thyroid disorders are common examples.

Nutritional Deficiencies: Being deficient in vital nutrients like proteins, iron, zinc, vitamin D, vitamin B12, and essential fatty acids can severely interrupt the anagen (growth) phase of hair follicles, leading to thinning. Crash or fad dieting and very low-calorie intake may have similar effects.

High Stress Levels: When we’re facing constant stress, our bodies produce excess cortisol and other hormones that shift hair follicles to the shedding phase. Both acute and long-term stress can cause noticeable hair loss.

Medications: Numerous prescription drugs used to manage health conditions like high BP, arthritis, depression, cancer treatment, acne, and more list hair loss as a potential side effect. The hair typically grows back after stopping the medication.

Age-Related Factors: As we advance in age, the duration of the growth phase (anagen) of each hair follicle shortens, and follicles shrink in size, resulting in progressively thinner hair shafts. Age-related illness can also cause hair loss.

Now that you know why you may be losing more hair than normal, let’s explore some of the top solutions available.

Treating Thinning Hair: Your Options

If thinning hair bothers you, don’t simply accept it as an inevitable part of ageing. There are various treatments and concealers, such as Hair Fibers for Thinning Hair, that can effectively help treat hair loss, regrow healthier hair, and conceal visible signs of thinning hair. Here are some options:

Hair Fibers for Thinning Hair

Minoxidil: This topical over-the-counter remedy helps regrow hair and prevent further loss in both men and women. It comes as an easy-to-use liquid or foam solution.

Hair Restoration Surgery: Surgical hair transplantation involves harvesting hair follicles from the back of the head, which are genetically resistant to hair loss. These DHT-resistant follicles are then artistically grafted to the balding areas. It helps restore permanent natural hair regrowth.

PRP Injections: In this innovative treatment, the patient’s own plasma containing a high concentration of growth factors is injected into the scalp at affected areas to stimulate hair regrowth. Multiple sessions may be required.

Low Light Laser Devices: Also called LLLT or photobiomodulation therapy, this is a non-invasive treatment that involves exposing hair follicles to low levels of laser light to awaken dormant follicles and boost hair regrowth. Handheld laser caps and clinical devices are available.

Targeted Supplements: In addition to a balanced diet, nutrient supplements like biotin, saw palmetto, folate, ferritin, vitamin D, zinc, iron, and fish oils may support healthy hair growth and thickness, especially in cases of deficiency. But consistency is vital.

Stress Interventions: Making concerted efforts to manage high-stress levels through sufficient sleep, yoga, meditation, counselling, exercise, positive lifestyle changes, and more can relieve excessive shedding and promote overall hair health.

Cosmetic Hair Concealers: Until medical treatments kick in, various cosmetic solutions like natural hair fibres, root cover-up powders, colour sprays, and scalp concealers instantly create the visual effect of thicker hair and seamlessly conceal thinning areas. Hair Fibers Applicator is an easy-to-use hair-thickening cosmetic product that adheres to existing hair, giving the illusion of thicker, fuller locks using static charge and similarly charged keratin fibres.

Advanced Hair Systems: High-quality custom or ready-made wigs, hairpieces, and hair toppers offer instant aesthetic results for covering bald spots without undergoing lengthy medical treatments or hair transplant surgery, which may not be suitable candidates for everyone. These solutions fit perfectly and comfortably, allowing you to regain confidence.

The key is having open discussions with hair restoration specialists and dermatologists to explore treatments and solutions aligned with your specific hair goals, needs, priorities, and expectations. While thinning hair can be tough to deal with, leverage both clinical and cosmetic solutions together to treat hair loss and artfully conceal any visible signs of compromised density or balding areas. This gives you time to allow medical treatments like those offered by Lemooree to kick in.


What’s the main cause of hair thinning?

The number one cause of thinning hair is hereditary hair loss or pattern baldness linked to genetics, hormones, and age-related factors. This condition, medically known as androgenetic alopecia, causes hair follicles to shrink progressively over time.

Does stress really cause hair loss?

Yes, high stress levels for extended periods can definitely accelerate hair shedding leading to thinning hair. Stress causes elevated cortisol, which prematurely pushes hair follicles into the resting phase. Practicing stress management is key.

Can thinning hair grow back?

In many cases, hair loss is reversible, especially if treated early on. Solutions like minoxidil, PRP therapy, and hair transplants can effectively regrow hair. Get evaluated by a trichologist to explore science-based treatment options tailored to your specific hair loss trigger.

When should I consider a hairpiece?

If your hair loss is extensive or if you don’t respond well to medical hair treatments, customized hair replacement systems offer the quickest way to get the desired fullness. High-quality hairpieces are undetectable and can help restore confidence while going through the process of hair regrowth treatment.

What vitamins are good for thinning hair?

Biotin, vitamin D, iron, zinc, and protein are some of the top supplements that can nurture healthy hair growth. But consistency is vital when taking these. Also, have nutrient levels evaluated so you take only what you lack. Excess supplementation can also trigger shedding.

Do hair fibres really work?

Yes, hair loss concealers like keratin hair fibres cling to existing hair strands by static charge, making hair look thicker instantly. It provides cosmetic coverage for thinning spots while allowing medical treatments to work over time. Fibers are easy to apply but don’t last through rain or sweat.


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Jarastyle – #Thinning #Hair #Treat
Courtesy : https://www.stephilareine.com/2024/01/lemooree-what-causes-thinning-hair-and-how-to-treat-it.html?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=lemooree-what-causes-thinning-hair-and-how-to-treat-it
