For the past 251 weeks, activist Greta Thunberg has been striking outside of her Stockholm school every Friday to draw attention to climate change. Her final Friday School Strike For Climate Action happened this past week because Thunberg is graduating, and Patti Smith was in attendance to lend support.
“This is Greta Thunberg, faithfully taking her Friday School Strike for Climate Action,” Smith wrote in an Instagram post. “She graduates today, and we extend our gratitude and congratulations.” Smith was on tour in Stockholm this week. “I had tears in my eyes when I met her,” Smith told Dagens Nyheter, a local publication. “I’m a big fan.”
School strike week 251. Today, I graduate from school, which means I’ll no longer be able to school strike for the climate. This is then the last school strike for me, so I guess I have to write something on this day.Thread pic.twitter.com/KX8hHFDyNG
— Greta Thunberg (@GretaThunberg) June 9, 2023
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Jarastyle – #Patti #Smith #Joins #Greta #Thunbergs #Final #School #Strike #Stockholm
Courtesy : https://www.stereogum.com/2226701/patti-smith-joins-greta-thunbergs-final-school-strike-in-stockholm/news/