How To Talk About Menstruation – Jarastyle

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Can you imagine, a natural and biological process like menstruation, which happens to every biological woman after her body hits puberty, is still a hush-hush topic in most parts of the world? Of course we are walking towards progression; but still, there are some people who can switch from being comfortable to super uncomfortable with the very mention of the word, periods. And sadly, most of it has to do with how we treat the subject and how most people are willing to understand and talk about the process. So, you could be a mother waiting to have a talk with your kids about menstruation, or a daughter wanting to discuss it with your parents; the correct approach on the subject can help you fan out the fog that hovers over the topic. Read on to know all about it.

1. How To Talk To Your Parents About It

When you have your first period, the adults in your life usually find out before anybody else. And since adults already know about it, they can provide helpful feedback and guidance. They may be of a different generation than you and feel uncomfortable talking about periods. Here are some options to consider:

You can ask your mother, aunt, or grandmother if they were worried when they first got their period. If you’re uncomfortable speaking with them directly, you may always write them a letter, send them a text, or compose an email. And once they read it, they’ll be able to engage in constructive dialogue with you.

2. How To Talk To Your Friends About It

Since menstruation is a natural process, you and your friends can casually bring up the subject in conversation. Know that the more you talk about it and share your experiences with your friends, the more mainstream the subject becomes. They will also learn that menstruation is natural and not anything to be ashamed of. Don’t feel obligated to talk only about the bad aspects of having your period; share some of the good things that have happened to you. You may talk about how having PMS has made you more aware of your environment, given you more inspiration, and so on. You can also talk about any strange or unusual things that happened to you during your most recent menstrual cycle. If broaching the topic with your male friends makes you uncomfortable, start by opening up to the closest friends to you. By doing this, talking about periods with male friends, coworkers, or even family members becomes natural and comfortable for you. You may let them see there is nothing to be embarrassed about by using medical terminology such as the uterus, egg, menstruation pads, etc.

3. How To Talk To Your Colleagues About It

Discussing periods in the office may be awkward at times. But there are numerous things you can do to make the topic more acceptable at work. If cramps are the reason you need a day off from work and someone asks, don’t be afraid to admit it. Just say that you were experiencing cramps or PMS and move on. You can request paid menstrual leave from your employer, or you can negotiate for a change in your work schedule or location during your period. Instead of stowing your tampon in a bulky bag when you need to use the toilet, you could proudly carry it in your hand. There’s no reason to be coy about it.

4. How To Talk To Your Partner About It

It’s difficult to avoid talking about periods when you’re dating someone who doesn’t have them. So, don’t be shy about telling your partner you’re menstruating, and educate them on the process. Share with them the ups and downs of your menstrual cycle, including the effects it has on your complexion and your energy levels.

5. How To Talk To Your Children About It

Talking to your kids about menstruation does not need to be a one-and-done conversation at a set age. The best way to help a child learn about periods is to have many dialogues with them at various ages and stages. At around age seven or eight, you can have the first elementary conversation about menstruation. Even if they don’t directly ask, you may bring it up in conversation when talking about puberty, changes in your body, where babies come from, or when you’re shopping for period items. If your child notices a tampon and asks, “What’s that for?” you may try to explain it to them in simple terms so they can grasp it. Children need to learn about the physical changes that will occur to them as they approach puberty.

Find an alternative manner to impart this knowledge to your children if the topic of periods makes you uncomfortable. Do something together, like watch a movie or read a book. You can also have a trustworthy adult, such as an educator, doctor, or family member, have a conversation with them about menstruation.

So now that you know how to make the subject of menstruation easy for those who are uncomfortable with it, you can make the world easier for the future generation to live in. So what do you think is the best way to educate society about menstruation? Let us know in the comments section!

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The following two tabs change content below.How To Talk About Menstruation - JarastyleIndrani is a writer and artist who likes to add a dash of humor to everything she does. She has two years of experience in writing articles across beauty, health, and lifestyle genres. After graduating in Political Science from Calcutta University, she took a detour into the world of creativity and discovered her knack for social writing, advertising, designing, and…more


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