Whenever you think about muscles that define your look, the biceps rank high in the workout list. The main reason is that the biceps are the most easily recognizable muscle of your body. Your defined and toned biceps are so easy to notice even at a distance. Sometimes, people can’t help but look at your well-toned arms as a result.
In this article, you’ll get to know the best exercise routines for your bicep heads. That way, these arms aren’t just going to be strong, they’ll look good as well.
Biceps: An Overview
Before we hop over to the recommended exercises for the biceps, let’s get to know what biceps are. Biceps or scientifically known as biceps brachii is a large and thick muscle found on the upper arm. It has two sides – a short head on the media side and a long head on the lateral side. The biceps are one of the most active muscles in the body as it sees a lot of use.
Biceps are involved in a wide variety of tasks ranging from lifting up to many sports activities. With that said, let’s cover the recommended bicep exercise routines. Let’s start with the long head bicep exercises first.
Exercise Routines for Long Head Biceps
(Image Source: Pexels)
The long head bicep is responsible for the formation of bicep peaks when you flex those arms. It’s also the most recognizable bicep due to that, and many people can’t help but to look at it in awe. If your goal is to get those huge bicep peaks, consider the following long head bicep exercises:
1. Incline Dumbbell Curls
The long head bicep is going to be targeted well by this exercise. Since your position has the elbows downed at your side and behind you, it means that the long head bicep is going to work from a stretched position. You’ll be rotating the forearm as well, starting from neutral, then changing to a supinated position.
The main advantage of inclined dumbbell curls is the high stretching contraction. Your long head biceps are going to move a lot.
Here are the instructions for this exercise:
- The backrest of your bench must be set to a 45-60 degree angle.
- Lean back and sit on the inclined bench. Both of your hands must hold a dumbbell. It must be a neutral grip and then hang your arms downwards in a straight line.
- Exhale before you flex your elbows and bring the dumbbells up as far as you can. Keep your elbow’s position fixed, and maintain your straight and strong wrists. While you curl the weight, you must rotate your forearms – changing from a neutral to a palm-up position. Your upper arms must be almost perpendicular to the floor, at the top that is.
- Once you’ve reached the top of your curl, you can also rotate your forearm so that the palm is facing a bit outwards. Bring your elbow up a bit as it will facilitate bicep contraction.
- Reverse all movements and slowly bring the dumbbells down to your starting position. Repeat all steps.
2. Close-Grip Barbell Curls
We all know that barbell curls are an excellent all-around biceps exercise. If you want to emphasize the long head of the bicep, do close-grip barbell curls instead. Take note that this is one of the heaviest curls that you can do as your muscles will twitch in response to heavy loads.
Here are the steps to do close-grip barbell curls:
- Hold your barbell with a close grip. It can be either hip width or closer, you can experiment with the width with different barbell sets.
- Your feet must be shoulder-width apart while you stand. Your back must be upright.
- You must curl the bar up while keeping your elbow in place. At peak contraction, lift your elbows slightly up for more bicep contractions.
- Squeeze at the top then slowly bring your barbell down to the starting position.
3. Dumbbell Hammer Curls
Almost everyone knows the hammer curls as this is the most used bodybuilding exercise. However, not everyone knows that this routine targets the long head. If you aim to get those attractive bicep peaks, you can give dumbbell hammer curls a try!
These are the steps to do a hammer curl:
- Start by sitting on a bench with your torso in an upright position. Your back must be pressed against the backrest.
- Hold dumbbells with your arms extended, but down to your sides. The elbows must be close enough to your sides. It must not be “close” to the point that the dumbbells are with the bench or your body during curling.
- With your palms facing in, curl the weight upwards. Your elbows must remain in place when you do this. Your elbows must not come up as you curl.
- As you reach peak contraction, gradually lower the weight back down until the arms are extended.
Exercise Routines for Short-Head Biceps
(Image Source: Pexels)
If you aim for thick strong arms, you need to target the short head of your biceps. You’ll need to perform specific exercises that exert effort on the short head to meet the best results. With that said, here are the exercises that improve your short head bicep:
1. Preacher Curls
If you’re targeting the short head of your bicep, then doing Preacher Curls is a good idea. That’s because it positions your elbows out to the front of your body. This is a great way to make the short-head bicep more active.
Here are the steps to do a preacher curl:
- Start by keeping your upper arms in contact with the angled pad.
- Don’t move your upper arms.
- Start each rep with the arms straight but unlocked.
- Don’t overextend your elbows.
- Use the wide grip to isolate the short-head biceps
- Focus directly on your biceps, and curl weight until the forearms are in a vertical position. Make sure you have full control over your biceps for this step.
- Continue to exert effort on the short head bicep during this exercise
- Pause for a count at the peak of the motion. Focus on activating the peaks of your short head bicep.
- Slowly lower the weight back to where you started. Fully extend your elbow for a fully-loaded stretch of your biceps. Pause for a bit then repeat all steps.
2. Wide Grip Curls
Another recommended routine is the wide grip curls. The routine places your short heads in a strong mechanical spot. The result is that they take on the biggest role when curling.
Here are the steps to do wide grip curls:
- Stand up tall and firm. Your feet must be shoulder-width apart.
- Take the barbell with a wide grip. The elbows must be in, going towards the hips.
- Place hands out past your shoulders.
- Focus on activating your short-head biceps
- “Explode” the barbell, going upward to the top spot of the curl.
- At the top, stop for a second. Get a feel of your control on the barbell
- Put the barbell down to the bottom position. Do this in a slow but steady fashion
- Don’t lock the elbows out! You must leave a small bend at the motion’s bottom part.
- Repeat the process. Do it for a minimum of 8 to 12 repetitions to feel the effects on your short-head biceps.
3. Spider Curls
Spider curls offer the same perks for short-head biceps. It places the elbow out and in front of you. It does however use a different position. Spider curls offer a new way to exercise your short-head biceps which will do most of the work.
Here are the steps to do spider curls:
- Place your bench. It must be either inclined at 60 degrees or placed out flat.
- Lie on the bench with the stomach pressed on the backrest.
- Get your arms positioned at the top of the bench. Your elbows must be off the bench, facing the floor.
- Curl the weight up as high as possible. The elbows must keep on pointing to the ground.
- Lower the weight down slowly until the arms are extended. You should feel the stretch in your biceps.
- Stop for a bit then repeat!
Pump Up and Get Those Biceps Growing!
If your objective is to get strong and have those huge bicep peaks then try the routines mentioned above. You’ll be surprised at the results that it will give if you turn it into a part of your exercise routine. Sooner or later, you’ll have folks who can’t help but look at your well-toned arms.
1. Why are there pauses between repeats?
- Biceps require rest from time to time. Too much usage of the biceps might cause it to get strained. The last thing you want is for your arms to become incapable of exercise.
2. How frequent should my exercise routines be?
- Your exercise routines are done daily. Biceps require a lot of work so they can recruit fast-twitch muscle fibers and you can get those attractive bicep peaks
3. How important is the strength of my biceps?
- Important for daily use as the biceps do a lion’s share of work when you’re carrying or lifting objects. Strong biceps also are a key indicator of a strong and functional upper body.
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Courtesy : https://www.stephilareine.com/2023/05/get-the-pump-you-want-the-best-head-bicep-exercise-routines-that-work.html?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=get-the-pump-you-want-the-best-head-bicep-exercise-routines-that-work