Big Cats Who Just Want to Do Normal Feline Things – Jarastyle

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Without cats, the Internet would not be needed in principle, and while we throw cats to each other and mark them as liked, tigers, lions and other big cats are sad in the world. Large representatives of the cat breed are in the shadow of their smaller counterparts, and in general they are deprived of affection from humans. But they don’t need much, they just want to live like ordinary cats and do ordinary cat things. Big cats may look different from our pets, but they are still the same cats, only of a large size, and we will prove this to you further. They don’t like being woken up either. They also get stuck in objects. They are also trying to catch the elusive red dot. ((__lxGc__=window.__lxGc__||{‘s’:{},’b’:0})[‘s’][‘_195490’]=__lxGc__[‘s’][‘_195490’]||{‘b’:{}})[‘b’][‘_668109’]={‘i’:__lxGc__.b++}; ((__lxGc__=window.__lxGc__||{‘s’:{},’b’:0})[‘s’][‘_195490’]=__lxGc__[‘s’][‘_195490’]||{‘b’:{}})[‘b’][‘_668107’]={‘i’:__lxGc__.b++}; They are also obsessed with cardboard boxes. They also get high from catnip. They also interfere with watching TV normally. They like to ride for pleasure. They also like to get dogs. And make fun of other cats. ((__lxGc__=window.__lxGc__||{‘s’:{},’b’:0})[‘s’][‘_195490’]=__lxGc__[‘s’][‘_195490’]||{‘b’:{}})[‘b’][‘_668114’]={‘i’:__lxGc__.b++}; ((__lxGc__=window.__lxGc__||{‘s’:{},’b’:0})[‘s’][‘_195490’]=__lxGc__[‘s’][‘_195490’]||{‘b’:{}})[‘b’][‘_668104’]={‘i’:__lxGc__.b++}; They will also let you know right away if they need anything. And they hate water too. And they are very nervous while driving. But sometimes ordinary cats also like to do big things


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