Beauty Q of the Day: What Discontinued Scents Do You Wish Would Come Back? – Jarastyle

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Beauty Q of the Day: What Discontinued Scents Do You Wish Would Come Back? - Jarastyle

I’ve been feeling nostalgic lately for certain perfumes I wore back in my 20s and 30s, and now I’m deeply regretting the perfume purge I did a few years back because I found out recently that several are now discontinued!

When I think about them, I can practically smell them. Is that weird?

Discontinued Scent Number 1, Laura Mercier Eau de Lune

I desperately want a bottle of Laura Mercier Eau de Lune, a beautiful light floral with plumeria, rose, violet, amber and musk notes that I wore to my office job in San Francisco for years.

It was subtle enough not to take over an elevator but was still present enough to enjoy. I wore it when El Hub and I started dating and eventually wentthrough a couple bottles.

I just always assumed it would be there for me when I wanted to wear it again, but alas, no. I tried to find it online and couldn’t track it down.

Cue the glittery tears!

Discontinued Scent Number 2, STELLA by Stella McCartney

Oh, this one was a beauty — English rose mixed with mandarin and peony with an amber base.

El Hub got me a bottle during our first Christmas together, and I wore it all the time. I should’ve kept it just so I could smell it every once in a while. It reminds me of that carefree era when it was just us.

What discontinued scents do you wish would come back?

Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,


P.S. Have a terrific Tuesday!


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