Artist Artush Voskanyan and his amazing illusions – Jarastyle

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Armenian artist Artush Voskanyan paints in the style of mannerism and calls the Italian painter of the XVI century Giuseppe Arcimboldo his teacher. It is this master of the Renaissance that is considered the creator of Mannerism, which gave rise to the emergence of surrealism. Voskanyan’s paintings are amazing illusions in which images of people are born from birds, animals, rocks, water, clouds and other living and inanimate objects.Artush Voskanyan was born in 1966 in the city of Vedi, Ararat region. His childhood was spent among beautiful mountain landscapes and masterpieces of ancient Armenian architecture, so it is not surprising that even at school the impressionable boy became interested in drawing.In 1980, Voskanyan graduated from the art school in his native Vedi, and in 1985 received a diploma from the art school named after him. Terlemezyan in Yerevan. In 1992, the artist became a graduate of the architectural faculty of the Yerevan Polytechnic Institute named after K. Marx.Now Artush Voskanyan is 55 years old and he is full of energy and creative plans. The artist works tirelessly and actively participates in exhibitions around the world. The Armenian painter is known not only in the CIS countries, but also in the UK, the Czech Republic, Poland, Canada, the USA and even in Japan.Paintings-illusions of the artist can easily be found on the Internet. However, when publishing his work in social networks and forums, users do not always indicate the author. But those who are interested in mannerism and surrealism do not need signatures – Artush Voskanyan has long been considered one of the best masters of these genres in the world and his paintings are not to be confused with anything.Did you know that surrealism is not only painting, but also an art direction in general? Literary works, performances, and even… photographs can be surreal.


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