What Really Happens To Your Body When You Keep Hitting The Snooze Button – Jarastyle

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You already know what happens when you snooze your alarm and go back to sleep – you get late for work! But what you probably didn’t know is, about one-third of our lives are wasted when we hit the snooze button on the alarm. Shocking, isn’t it? Doing it once or twice won’t make the clock run behind you with a trident, but snoozing your alarm regularly can have negative consequences on your health. New research suggests that sleeping past your alarm time might trigger your metabolism, skin, and even fertility. So, if you are someone who’s guilty pleasure is getting that bonus sleep after hitting the snooze button, this article is for you. Read on!

1. It May Disrupt Your Sleep Pattern

Your body starts getting ready for the day around 2 hours before you really wake up. The body raises its temperature and produces substances that make you feel alert. Your body is already ready for waking up when you wake up after your first alarm goes off. However, if you hit the button to snooze and return to sleep, you may be foggy and sleepy throughout the day.

2. It May Make You Feel Tired Throughout The Day

It is not uncommon to believe that pressing the snooze button will help you to sleep more and hence feel more refreshed the following day. However, a poll of over 20,000 participants confirmed that chronic nappers report higher levels of daytime fatigue. The occasional nap after pressing the snooze button won’t hurt you, but if you do it every day, you may result in sleep deprivation.

3. It Is Bad For The Digestive System

The quality of your rest will suffer if you have a habit of falling asleep after pressing the snooze button. You’ll toss and turn all night long and get less sleep than necessary if your body has trouble determining when it’s time to sleep and when it’s time to get up. Therefore, it may have an effect on your general health, producing metabolic abnormalities and weight gain.

4. Increases Skin Sensitivity

Consistent sleep deprivation may counteract the positive effects of proper skin care practices, and lead to acne. Lack of sleep increases levels of stress hormones, which in turn cause inflammation, excess sebum production, and blocked pores.

5. It Might Weaken Your Immunity

Although it may be tempting to click the snooze button and steal a few additional minutes of sleep, doing so often has been linked to several detrimental outcomes. You may, for instance, become ill more frequently than before. This occurs because your immune system is compromised due to chronic sleep deprivation and cannot properly guard against infections.

6. It Can Disrupt Your Menstruation Cycle

Even when it may feel great to press the snooze button first thing in the morning, doing so regularly may be harmful to your fertility. Your female reproductive hormones, which regulate your menstrual cycle and ovulation, might be disrupted by a lack of regular sleep. Lack of sleep increases stress levels in the body, which can lead to period irregularities.

Tips To Let Go Of The Snooze Button

Regular use of the snooze button indicates a need for behavioral modifications. Here are some ways to get over the bad habit of snoozing your alarm.

1. Move About

Those who don’t exercise regularly are more inclined to hit snooze. Try walking for no less than thirty minutes every day and see if it has any effect on how much you sleep.

2. Shift The Location Of Your Alarm Clock

Move your alarm clock to the opposite side of the room. This time-tested method is effective in combating sleepiness.

3. Draw The Blinds

It’s more challenging to awaken in the dark, so drawing the blinds might be a good idea. Let the sunlight in so you can wake up naturally without an alarm.

4. Don’t Have An Alarm Clock With A Snooze Option

Purchase a clock without a snooze function. The easiest way to avoid falling back asleep after waking up is to avoid using a snooze button on your clock. Choose a clock that will gently wake you in the morning without the opportunity to snooze.

We can’t deny that there is a certain level of guilty pleasure in hitting the snooze button and going back to sleep, but it is never a good decision, is it? The best way to make sure you get up on time is to get 7-9 hours of sleep and wake up at the first alarm. You can also make it a habit to pick up your bed the moment you wake up so you are not lured into getting back in the covers again. So what is your trick to getting up on time? Let us know in the comments section!


  1. The Association between Daytime Napping and Cognitive Functioning in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, NCBI
  2. Sleep and Metabolism: An Overview, NIH

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The following two tabs change content below.What Really Happens To Your Body When You Keep Hitting The Snooze Button - JarastyleIndrani is a writer and artist who likes to add a dash of humor to everything she does. She has two years of experience in writing articles across beauty, health, and lifestyle genres. After graduating in Political Science from Calcutta University, she took a detour into the world of creativity and discovered her knack for social writing, advertising, designing, and…more


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Jarastyle – #Body #Hitting #Snooze #Button
Courtesy : https://www.stylecraze.com/trending/what-really-happens-to-your-body-when-you-keep-hitting-the-snooze-button/
