Living in Beauty and Goodness Ft. Mamaearth – Jarastyle

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Plato famously said, “Forms are beautiful, the perfect being is beautiful, and among these forms, the form of good is the most beautiful.” Meaning the concept of beauty is not confined to just superficial appearances. It is a reflection of the inner moral and spiritual essence of individuals. Studies have also shown that physical beauty may attract the eye, but innate goodness of personality maintains that beauty forever (1).

It is this idea that forms the basis of Mamaearth’s newest campaign ‘GoodnessMakesYouBeautiful’, where they emphasize that goodness is present in all of us and manifests itself in the small-to-big decisions we make every day. In their heartwarming video,

they show us how kindness or help goes a long way in making someone’s day. It teaches us not to back down from lending a helping hand and doing good deeds.

If you see someone going out of their way to do some good, acknowledge it wholeheartedly and let them know that they are appreciated for their true beauty. And when it’s your turn to get in touch with your innate goodness, take small steps towards a positive attitude with a few practices listed below.

Small Practices That May Help You Stay Positive & Appreciate The Goodness Inside Everyone

1. Not Treating Self-Care As A Chore

Manicures and spa visits come to mind when we think about self-care, which are all wonderful ways to relax. But daily self-care goes far beyond indulgence. Also, simply eating healthily and receiving enough nutrition to support your body and brain is an important part of self-care. Think of it as a fun investment instead of treating it as a chore. You don’t have to try and do everything at once and try to complete the checklist of the day. Start small and indulge in one or two self-care activities and build from there.

2. Practicing Impromptu Acts Of Help & Kindness

Whether it’s helping a stranger carry their groceries, holding the door open for someone, or simply smiling and saying hello, these moments of connection can create positive ripples in our communities. So next time you have the opportunity to help someone, don’t hesitate – you might just brighten their day and your own in the process!

Regardless of age, gender, and social status, a simple gesture of love and help can leave a big impact and make you more beautiful than ever. Also, being kind to someone you don’t know instills a feeling of warmth and happiness in yourself too.

3. Having A Sense Of Gratitude

You can keep a small journal about things you are grateful for or verbally thank people in your life from time to time who just give without expecting anything. Gratitude can also help us shift our perspective and find strength in difficult times. You may not expect it, but practicing gratitude may just change your outlook and bring more joy into your life. So have a bright day and share your brightness with others!

4. Journaling Your Thoughts

Take a few minutes each day to write down things that made you happy. Focusing on what you have rather than focussing too much on the small inconveniences or negatives may help shift your mindset towards positivity. At the same time, keep the guilt pangs away if you missed journaling one or few days. Just take it as a self-care practice. This practice will help you be more present and practice mindfulness more effectively. You can also try out some calming meditation techniques for a refreshed mind.

5. Connecting With Others

Spending time with loved ones or connecting with friends and colleagues can help boost your mood and provide social support. Studies have shown that social connection is important for our physical as well as our emotional health and also helps support our immune system (2). Apart from improvements in mental health to physical well-being, sharing and talking with others will also fill you with an increased sense of belonging and fulfillment.

Everybody loves a good self-care or alone time, but sweet human interactions can also help lift your mood and give you the chance to make others happy and show gratitude too.

Goodness has the power to transform us from the inside out. When we make a conscious effort to do good in the world, it not only benefits others, but it also has a positive impact on ourselves. In essence, being good makes us feel good and that radiates beauty from within. It’s not about perfect proportions according to the beauty standards of the society, but rather about having a kind heart and a positive attitude. When we embody goodness, it shines through in our actions, our words, and our demeanor, and that’s what truly makes us beautiful.

Mamaearth believes that #GoodnessMakesYouBeautiful, and while helping us appreciate the goodness inside everyone, this is how they make the world a better, more beautiful place. So, next time you see someone doing something good, let them know that they are beautiful because #GoodnessMakesYouBeautiful.

Reference Links

  1. What makes you most beautiful: Confidence, kindness – looks rank much lower,opposite%20and%20same%20sex%20beautiful.

  1. The Importance of Connection

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Jarastyle – #Living #Beauty #Goodness #Mamaearth
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