15 Foods And Drinks You Didn’t Realize Have Caffeine In Them – Jarastyle

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Many of us depend heavily on caffeine to get us through the day. How else could we ever convince ourselves to sit up all day in front of a screen, or stay awake after lunch! The obvious caffeine-containing beverages include coffee, espresso, tea, and some energy drinks; but the list does not end there. Here are some foods and beverages we consume every day without realizing that they have their fair share of caffeine in them. So if you have been meaning to cut down on caffeine, reading this article is a must!

1. Cereal

You might be receiving more caffeine than you need in the morning if you eat breakfast cereal and drink coffee before going to work. Although it’s not much, 3/4 cup of cereal contains up to 1 mg of caffeine.

2. Chocolate

Despite its numerous purported health advantages, one ounce of dark chocolate contains up to 12 mg of caffeine. Around 70 milligrams are spread over a 5.71-ounce bar.

3. Chocolate Chip Cookies

Caffeine is found mostly in chocolate chip cookies, which is a perfect treat for us. But compared to the 33.6 mg of caffeine in one cup of chocolate milk, the quantity of caffeine in your cookie is negligible.

4. Chocolate Milk

Don’t fret over whether or not a glass of milk will give you an energy rush. There is just 2.5 mg of caffeine in a single serving. Yet, the amount of sugar in the serving of chocolate drinks is greater than the daily sugar quota for both men and women.

5. Cocoa Powder

Keep in mind that a cup of chocolate powder contributes more chocolate flavor to your cookies if you’re into healthy baking. Caffeine content is equivalent to a single cup of coffee at 12.4 mg per tablespoon.

6. Decaf Coffee

Caffeine is present even in decaf coffee, contrary to popular belief. In 2006, researchers discovered that even decaf coffee often contained 8 to 14 mg of caffeine.

7. Hot Chocolate

The caffeine content in hot chocolate fluctuates according to different brands. However, a 16-ounce cup of hot chocolate has about 25 mg of caffeine whereas the caffeine content in a medium brew is only 6 mg. Several commercial products boast that their DIY versions are 99.9 percent caffeine free.

8. Icecream

It’s no secret that coffee-flavored products from your local ice cream parlor are delicious, but did you realize that it really includes coffee beans? The caffeine content in a 4-ounce serving of coffee ice cream is 29 milligrams, but who consumes only 4 ounces?

9. Ice Tea

Certain herbal drinks can calm an upset stomach, while some provide you with the sustained vigor to overcome a midday lull. About 37 milligrams of caffeine can be found in a cup of iced tea.

10. Kombucha

Caffeinated tea is included in the recipe of some kombucha products. Some kombucha brands, for instance, provide 8–15 mg of caffeine per serving, depending on taste.

11. Matcha

Matcha, which is made from ground-up green tea leaves, has nearly as much caffeine as coffee. Around 70 milligrams can be found in a single 8-ounce cup of prepared matcha. Many people who are addicted to coffee have found that switching to matcha provides them with a more revitalizing and energizing experience, so this may be the solution if you’re trying to cut back.

12. Pain Relief Medication

Several pain medications, both medical and over-the-counter, include caffeine. It improves drug absorption by the body by 40%, which means more rapid relief from pain and other symptoms.

13. Pudding

Caffeine is sneaked into pudding, and the chocolate is to blame. The caffeine content in many ready-to-eat cups is extremely low, ranging from 0 to 2.16 mg per 4 ounces. This classic treat won’t send you flying off the walls, but can keep you up at night!

14. Yerba Tea

Yerba tea is a powerful herbal drink that is high in antioxidants. Caffeine-wise, an 8-ounce serving of yerba tea includes 85 mg, putting it on par with many popular coffee beverages.

15. Coffee Yogurt

Coffee yogurt is a terrific protein-filled breakfast option, and it’s becoming more and more popular as a tasty option. The caffeine in yogurt isn’t something worth bragging about with only 2.56 milligrams per 5.3 ounces, but some popular coffee-flavored yogurt brands have 30 grams per 6 ounces.

So now that you know which of these foods contain hidden caffeine, you can look out for yourself and not consume these before going to bed. So which of these came as a surprise to you? Let us know in the comments section.


  1. Identification of aroma active compounds of cereal coffee brew and its roasted ingredients, NIH
  2. Caffeine and theobromine levels in chocolate couverture and coating products, NIH
  3. Determination of the caffeine contents of various food items within the Austrian market and validation of a caffeine assessment tool (CAT), NIH
  4. The neuroprotective effects of cocoa flavanol and its influence on cognitive performance, NIH
  5. Caffeine as an analgesic adjuvant for acute pain in adults, NIH

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The following two tabs change content below.15 Foods And Drinks You Didn't Realize Have Caffeine In Them - JarastyleIndrani is a writer and artist who likes to add a dash of humor to everything she does. She has two years of experience in writing articles across beauty, health, and lifestyle genres. After graduating in Political Science from Calcutta University, she took a detour into the world of creativity and discovered her knack for social writing, advertising, designing, and…more


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Jarastyle – #Foods #Drinks #Didnt #Realize #Caffeine
Courtesy : https://www.stylecraze.com/trending/food-and-drinks-you-did-not-realize-have-caffeine-in-them/
