Can You Tattoo Over Varicose Veins? What You Need To Know – Jarastyle

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Tattoos are a great medium to showcase your individuality through intricate designs and patterns. Conversely, some people also use it to cover up aesthetic problems, such as scars and stretch marks. So, can you tattoo over varicose veins as well? Before we answer that, let us discuss what exactly are varicose veins. They are quite a common condition characterized by swollen and twisted veins, generally found in the legs and feet that make them appear blue or dark purple. For the majority of people who are affected by this vascular issue, there are no symptoms. However, in some cases, they may lead to discomfort and swelling (1). The biggest concern with this vein disease, especially among women, is its unnatural and unsightly appearance. In this article, we will help you figure out if you can alter its appearance by tattooing on it, and the risk factors involved with this process. Read on to know more!

Can You Tattoo Over Varicose Veins?

Technically, you may tattoo over varicose veins. However, several tattoo artists and medical professionals do not recommend doing so. Let us explain why.

During the tattooing process, the artist uses a rotary gun that has needles to inject the ink into the skin. These needles pierce through the epidermis, the skin’s top layer, to transfer the tattoo ink to the dermis, the 1.5 to 2 millimeters deep middle layer. If the needle goes any deeper than this, it may puncture the hypodermis, the bottom layer of skin, that contains blood vessels. Though the possibility of this happening is rare, what happens if a tattoo needle hits a vein? Vein rupturing due to a tattoo needle may lead to painful complications like excessive bleeding, which may be fatal (2). Plus tattooing over bulging varicose veins may also result in uneven ink distribution; these visible veins may also distort the tattoo design.

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Britney Spears, Emma Thompson, and Khloe Kardashian are some celebrities who have gone public and been vocal about their struggle with varicose veins.

So, can you hide varicose veins with tattooing? While tattoos can sometimes be used to conceal or distract attention from skin imperfections, using them to hide varicose veins may not be the most suitable solution. Check out the next section to learn more about the risks involved with the process.

The Risks Of Tattooing Over Varicose Veins

  • May Lead To Severe Bleeding

As mentioned earlier, there is a rare chance that the tattoo process may lead to vein rupture, which may lead to severe bleeding. Research suggests that ruptured varicose veins are the reason for sudden death in 1 out of 1000 autopsies. Although rare, this kind of bleeding may be life-threatening (2). Anecdotal evidence suggests that tattooing varicose veins may also lead to deep vein thrombosisi  XA common term for when blood clots block veins or arteries, and it may include symptoms like pain and swelling , which is the formation of blood clots that can have harmful effects like elevating the risk of strokes (3).

  • May Increase The Risk Of Infection

If you get tattooed on an area with varicose veins, your tattoo may take longer to heal. This is because varicose veins reverse the blood flow, as they have dysfunctional valves that pump deoxygenated blood back to the heart (4). These faulty vein valves result in poor circulation, which may slow down wound healing and increase the risk of infections (5).

  • May Complicate Future Vein Treatments

Covering varicose veins with dark-toned tattoos may make it difficult for a vein specialist to see the area. This may hinder the examination process and make it complicated to carry out any medical procedure over the area with varicose veins. Therefore, if you want a tattoo in an area with visible dark veins, it is recommended to first seek proper treatment to avoid any risks.

Varicose veins may cause pain and discomfort in some cases (1). Since the tattooing process requires the repetitive penetration of the skin using a needle, it may increase existing pain and cause additional discomfort.

  • May Add To The Overall Expenditure

If you decide to use a cover-up tattoo for your varicose veins, chances are it may only be a temporary fix. This is because once a patient starts developing varicose veins, the condition may increase over time. Also, these veins become more severe, and research suggests that they may also lead to complications like skin discoloration and eczemai  XA chronic condition caused by environmental irritants that result in dry, inflamed, sensitive, and itchy skin (6). You may always get your new varicose veins covered. However, doing so every time new veins pop up around your artwork may be costly and impractical.

Tattooing over varicose veins is not generally recommended without prior medical treatment. However, even if your vein specialist or tattoo artist gives you the green signal, there is the matter of the pain that comes with the tattoo process, especially on such a sensitive area. Learn about it in the next section.

How Much Do Tattoos Over Varicose Veins Hurt?

There is no evidence to suggest that getting tattoos over veins may be more painful than getting them in other areas. However, varicose veins themselves can sometimes cause discomfort and pain (1). In such a case, the tattooing process may hurt more than usual. Therefore, if you are considering getting a tattoo over varicose veins, and are concerned about your pain threshold, it is essential to communicate openly with your tattoo artist. They may provide guidance based on their experience and help you make adjustments to minimize the discomfort. For instance, they may help you design your tattoo in a way that avoids direct contact with the affected veins.

Tattoos over varicose veins also require special aftercare to ensure proper healing and minimize complications. Scroll down to the next section to read about the guidelines to follow.

Do Tattoos Over Varicose Veins Require Special Aftercare?

Yes, along with regular aftercare practices like moisturizing with a fragrance-free lotion, varicose vein tattoos also require you to do the following:

  • Keep your leg elevated after getting the tattoo to improve blood circulation in the area and reduce swelling.
  • Avoid engaging in strenuous activities that involve the use of the muscles around the tattooed area, such as using the leg press machine at the gym. This may help prevent unnecessary pressure on the veins and aid healing.
  • Keep an eye out for any signs of infection like swelling, increased pain, and pus formation. If you notice any of these symptoms, consult your tattoo artist as well as healthcare provider immediately.
  • Schedule regular follow-up appointments with both your tattoo artist and healthcare provider to ensure that the tattoo is healing properly.

While getting tattoos to cover varicose veins can be a creative and personal way to deal with the aesthetic issue related to their appearance, there are also some minimally invasive medical treatments you may try. Some of them are mentioned in the following section.

Alternatives To Hiding Varicose Veins With Tattoos

Some minimally invasive varicose vein treatments include:

  • Sclerotherapy: It involves injecting a solution directly into the affected veins, causing them to shrink and eventually fade. This procedure, if executed correctly, may be an efficient form of treatment with only a few complications, such as hyperpigmentation, headaches, and visual disturbances (7).
  • Endovenous Laser Therapy: It involves the use of laser fibers that emit heat to close the diseased veins. The procedure causes the vein to collapse and eventually be absorbed by the body. Some of the complications of this laser treatment include thrombosis and skin burns (8).
  • Radiofrequency Ablation: It involves the use of radiofrequency energy to heat and close off diseased blood vessels to redirect blood flow to healthier vessels. This technique has a low complication rate and helps alleviate symptoms of varicose veins, such as swelling and pain (9).
  • Ambulatory Phlebectomy: It is a surgical procedure that involves making small 2-3 mm incisions to remove varicose veins close to the surface of the skin. It may include rare complications like bruising and bleeding (9).
  • Compression Therapy: It requires wearing graduated compression stockings to improve blood circulation in the legs and reduce the symptoms and appearance of varicose veins. Research suggests that it may help patients with chronic venous insufficiencyi  XChronic condition of leg veins affecting blood flow to the heart, causing pain, swelling, and skin tone and texture changes in the legs , especially with ulcers (10).

In addition to these treatments, you may also use makeup to hide your varicose veins temporarily. Start with moisturizing and priming the area, followed by a color corrector. Use a yellow corrector for red or purple-toned veins, and an orange corrector for blue-toned veins. Follow up with a makeup concealer, and set it with translucent powder to prevent it from transferring throughout the day.

If permanent tattoos are not your cup of tea, you may opt for temporary tattoo stickers. A blogger shared that she used colored Sharpies to doodle over her varicose veins. She states in one of her blog posts, “I do not like pain…and my taste is getting a permanent tattoo at my age is highly unlikely unless I am high, which is also highly unlikely (i).”

We know that it is recommended to consult a vein specialist before getting a tattoo over varicose veins, but is the case different for spider veins? Can you tattoo over them? Let us find out below.

Can You Tattoo Over Spider Veins?

Just like varicose veins, tattooing over spider veins is also technically possible. These unsightly veins are small, dilated blood vessels that are close to the surface of the skin. They generally appear as red, blue, or purple lines that branch out from a central locus, resulting in a spider or tree branch-like appearance (11). Even if it is possible to tattoo over them, it is generally not recommended, as it can be challenging and may have unpredictable results, such as uneven pigment distribution, blurred lines, and potential damage to the blood vessels. Therefore, if you wish to get a tattoo and have concerns about the spider veins in the area, consult a dermatologist or a healthcare professional.

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