Nothing comes easy! ⋆ The Teenager Today – Jarastyle Teen’s

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Golf player hitting a golf ball towards a hole.

It’s been a hard day of trekking for me in Ephesus, Turkey, but what I’ve learnt I don’t think I could have picked up from any encyclopedia or Google search. Gary Player, for years, was a great competitor in national and international golf tournaments. People constantly said to him, “I’d give anything if I could hit a golf ball like you.”

Upon hearing that comment one day, the player responded impatiently: “No, you wouldn’t. You’d do anything to hit a golf ball like me, if it were easy! Do you know what you have to do to hit a golf ball like me? You’ve got to get up at 5:00 every morning, go out to the golf course, and hit a thousand golf balls! Your hands start bleeding, you walk to the clubhouse, wash the blood off your hands, sign a check to pay off your home loan, slap a bandage on, and go out and hit another thousand golf balls! That is what it takes to hit a golf ball like me!”

Cover of the August 2023 issue of The Teenager Today featuring tennis sensation Carlos Alcaraz.

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