Why You May Lose Hair After Childbirth, And Some Ways You Can Take Care Of It – Jarastyle

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Congratulations on becoming a mother! If you’ve noticed hair loss, rest assured that it’s a common and temporary occurrence after giving birth. While it can be concerning, there’s no need to worry. By identifying the causes and following some helpful recommendations, you can manage and prevent excessive hair loss. Understanding the factors contributing to this condition is crucial, and we’re here to guide you through them. We’ll also provide you with valuable tips to restore your hair to its normal state as quickly as possible. Read on to know more!

Stages Of Hair Growth

Hair growth and shedding occur in distinct stages, each playing a vital role in the hair’s life cycle:

1. Anagen

The growing stage is when hair follicles produce hairs that continue to grow until cut or naturally shed.

2. Catagen

The transition stage lasts for approximately 10 days. During this phase, hair follicles shrink, and hair growth slows down.

3. Telogen

The resting stage spans about 3 months. Hairs stop growing but remain firmly rooted in the scalp.

4. Exogen

The shedding stage where hair naturally falls out from the scalp. This stage lasts for about 2 to 5 months. It’s entirely normal to lose between 50 to 100 hairs a day as new hairs begin to grow in their place.

Understanding these stages helps us appreciate the natural and dynamic process of hair growth and renewal. Embrace the normal cycle of shedding and regrowth, knowing that your hair’s health remains intact during this natural journey.

What Causes The Hair To Fall After Childbirth?

For some expectant mothers, experiencing thinning or hair loss during pregnancy or shortly after giving birth is not uncommon. This phenomenon is known as telogen effluvium and can be triggered by hormonal changes, stress, or medical conditions associated with pregnancy (1).

During pregnancy, hormonal fluctuations can delay and reduce the number of hair strands falling out. However, after delivery, hair cycles synchronize, leading to increased shedding and noticeable hair loss. This process typically lasts for about 2 to 4 months postpartum. Iron deficiency during pregnancy can lead to various symptoms, including hair loss, lack of concentration, fatigue, and irritability. Pregnant women are at a higher risk of developing iron deficiency anemia, which may contribute to conditions like alopecia, telogen effluvium, and diffuse hair loss (2).

Though experiencing hair changes during this time can be disconcerting, it’s essential to remember that these conditions are often temporary and can be managed with proper care and attention. If you have concerns about your hair health during or after pregnancy, consulting with a healthcare professional can provide valuable insights and support. With proper help and tips, you can navigate this phase with knowledge and confidence, embracing the journey of motherhood with grace and self-assurance.

Thyroid disorders, like hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism, are prevalent conditions that can arise during pregnancy. Thyroid hormones play a crucial role in hair follicle growth, making excessive hair loss a potential symptom associated with thyroid issues during and after pregnancy (3).

Additionally, there are other causes of hair loss that may affect individuals regardless of pregnancy. One such example is androgenic alopecia, a condition marked by hair loss caused by hormonal imbalances.

If you are experiencing excessive hair loss postpartum, there are several helpful measures to aid in its recovery. Opt for a volumizing shampoo that incorporates ingredients like proteins, which form a protective layer around the hair, providing a fuller appearance to your locks. Steer clear of conditioner shampoos as they tend to burden the hair strands, resulting in a loss of texture. Instead, utilize conditioners specifically designed for fine hair. These conditioners boast lighter formulas that won’t weigh your hair down.

There are various tips available to help prevent hair loss, but their effectiveness depends on the underlying cause of your hair fall. Here are some general suggestions you can consider:

  • Maintain a healthy and balanced diet that includes an adequate amount of protein, iron, and essential nutrients to support hair health.
  • Consult your doctor or gynecologist to determine the most suitable vitamins and supplements for both you and your baby’s well-being.
  • Undergo a clinical checkup or lab tests to identify any specific deficiencies or imbalances in your body. Based on the results, your healthcare provider can recommend appropriate treatments, such as increasing vitamin intake or regulating hormone levels.
  • During pregnancy, it is advisable to avoid using chemical dyes, as they do not directly cause hair fall but can pose risks to the baby upon birth.
  • Refrain from styling your hair in tight braids, buns, ponytails, or any hairstyles that exert excessive tension on your hair.
  • Be gentle when detangling your hair, avoiding pulling or tugging too hard.
  • Allow your hair to rest from harsh treatments like hot rollers, curling irons, or perming agents, giving it a break from aggressive styling methods.

Hair loss after childbirth is a common occurrence for many women due to various factors. The hormonal changes during pregnancy can lead to a prolonged resting phase for hair follicles, causing them to shed after childbirth. Additionally, the sudden drop in estrogen levels post-delivery can contribute to increased hair shedding. While this hair loss can be concerning, it is usually temporary and tends to resolve on its own within a few months. Nevertheless, it is essential to maintain a healthy lifestyle, follow a balanced diet, and seek medical advice if necessary to ensure overall hair health and well-being during this postpartum period. Remember, with proper care and patience, your hair will likely recover its natural thickness and vitality in due time.

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The following two tabs change content below.Why You May Lose Hair After Childbirth, And Some Ways You Can Take Care Of It - JarastyleIndrani is a writer and artist who likes to add a dash of humor to everything she does. She has two years of experience in writing articles across beauty, health, and lifestyle genres. After graduating in Political Science from Calcutta University, she took a detour into the world of creativity and discovered her knack for social writing, advertising, designing, and…more


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Courtesy : https://www.stylecraze.com/trending/why-you-may-lose-hair-after-childbirth-and-some-ways-to-take-care-of-it/
