Year Of The Knife’s Madi Watkins In Critical Condition After Car Crash – Jarastyle

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Year Of The Knife, the ballistic and ferocious Delaware metallic hardcore band, were involved in a devastating car wreck in Utah. Wednesday night, the band tweeted from Salt Lake City, “We got in a REALLY bad accident. Everyone’s alive. We’re stuck in SLC,” while their Instagram story adds, “We’re all alive and stuck in slc. Please send love and prayers for Madi. She needs it, I don’t know what else to do.”
Lambgoat reports that vocalist Madi Watkins is in critical condition with major trauma, while two other bandmates suffered broken legs. Madi’s husband Brandon Watkins was concussed but otherwise emerged unscathed. On his personal Twitter account, after calling it the worst day of his life, he writes, “We’re alive but things aren’t good. Please wish Madi well. She needs everything everyone’s got rn.”
In February, Year Of The Knife surprise-released their Dust To Dust EP.


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