10 Seemingly Innocent Hygienic Habits That Secretly Ruin Our Health – Jarastyle

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Virtual hi five to all those who have been taught good hygiene habits like brushing teeth and taking showers from as long as you can remember. Our parents, their parents and even their parents have lived through these habits and passed them on, and when we are parents we will probably do the same! However, what we don’t realize is, even these necessary habits can pose a threat to our health if we overdo them. In this article we have mentioned some common practices that are not as harmless as we thought. Read on to know them all!

1. Aggressive Tooth Brushing

Brushing our teeth is a fundamental part of our oral hygiene routine, but vigorous brushing with a hard-bristled toothbrush can damage the enamel and gums. It’s essential to brush gently in a circular motion, using a soft-bristled toothbrush. Don’t forget to replace your toothbrush every three to four months to maintain its effectiveness.

2. Frequent Use Of Cotton Swabs In Ears

Many of us have a habit of using cotton swabs to clean our ears, thinking it helps maintain cleanliness. However, inserting cotton swabs into the ear canal can push wax deeper, leading to impaction and potential damage to the delicate structures of the ear. It’s best to leave earwax removal to the natural cleansing process of the ear. If you experience excessive earwax buildup or discomfort, you can consider consulting a healthcare professional.

3. Prolonged Showering With Hot Water

Long, hot showers can be soothing and relaxing, but they can also strip away the natural oils and moisture from our skin. This can result in dryness, itching, and even skin conditions like eczema. Opt for shorter showers with warm water and moisturize your skin immediately after bathing to lock in hydration.

4. Sharing Personal Hygiene Items

Sharing personal hygiene items like razors, toothbrushes, or towels may seem harmless, but it can transmit bacteria, viruses, and even bloodborne pathogens. It’s essential to use your own personal items to prevent the spread of infections. If necessary, always sanitize or replace items before sharing them.

5. Ignoring Proper Cleaning And Maintenance Of Reusable Water Bottles

Reusable water bottles are an eco-friendly choice, but neglecting proper cleaning and maintenance can lead to the accumulation of bacteria. Regularly wash your water bottle with soap and water, and consider using a bottle brush to reach difficult-to-clean areas. Avoid leaving beverages or food remnants in the bottle for extended periods.

6. Excessive Use Of Disinfecting Cleaners

Disinfecting cleaners have gained popularity due to their ability to kill germs and viruses. However, using these cleaners excessively can result in the development of resistant bacteria and contribute to the weakening of our immune systems. Use disinfectants sparingly and focus on maintaining overall cleanliness and hygiene in your living spaces.

7. Sleeping With Makeup On

After a long day, it’s tempting to crawl into bed without removing makeup. However, sleeping with makeup on can clog pores, lead to breakouts, and accelerate the aging process of the skin. Always take the time to cleanse your face before bed and allow your skin to breathe and regenerate overnight.

8. Neglecting Proper Dental Care For Oral Piercings

Oral piercings, such as tongue or lip piercings, have gained popularity in recent years. However, it’s crucial to pay extra attention to oral hygiene when having these piercings. Neglecting proper dental care can lead to infections, gum damage, and tooth fractures. Ensure regular visits to the dentist for oral health check-ups and follow proper aftercare instructions provided by the piercing professional.

9. Using Expired Or Contaminated Makeup Products

Makeup products have a shelf life, and using expired or contaminated products can have adverse effects on the skin. Expired makeup can harbor bacteria and cause irritations or infections. Regularly check the expiration dates of your makeup products and discard those that are past their prime. Additionally, avoid sharing makeup products to prevent cross-contamination.

10. Overusing Antibiotics

Antibiotics are powerful medications used to treat bacterial infections. However, their overuse can lead to antibiotic resistance, making infections more difficult to treat. It’s crucial to take antibiotics only when prescribed by a healthcare professional and complete the full course as directed. Avoid using leftover antibiotics for unrelated illnesses and always consult a healthcare professional for appropriate treatment.

Did you land imaginary ticks on all these points? If you did, we don’t blame you, for a majority of us have been following these without knowing how harmful they really are. It is important to do thorough research from trusted resources before using any product on your skin or hair. And especially if you are ingesting them. Also, moderation is the key. Overloading on good things also becomes a bad thing. So, now that you know what are the things you should keep your distance from when it comes to maintaining hygiene, which of these things are you guilty of doing? Let us know in the comments section!

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The following two tabs change content below.10 Seemingly Innocent Hygienic Habits That Secretly Ruin Our Health - JarastyleIndrani is a writer and artist who likes to add a dash of humor to everything she does. She has two years of experience in writing articles across beauty, health, and lifestyle genres. After graduating in Political Science from Calcutta University, she took a detour into the world of creativity and discovered her knack for social writing, advertising, designing, and…more


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Jarastyle – #Seemingly #Innocent #Hygienic #Habits #Secretly #Ruin #Health
Courtesy : https://www.stylecraze.com/trending/hygienic-habits-that-may-ruin-your-health/
