5 Ways Nurses Provide Emotional Support to Patients – Jarastyle

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5 Ways Nurses Provide Emotional Support to Patients

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Nursing is an incredibly selfless profession. Nurses are heroes without capes; they go above and beyond to ensure patients have all the physical and emotional support they need. 

As the backbone of the healthcare system, they know that healing encompasses more than medical treatments. They work to improve the overall well-being of the patient, emotional and mental state included. 

Nurses are ideal people to assess the emotional as well as physical needs of a patient because patients discuss their current state of health with them comfortably and without any reservations. As a patient, you can rest assured that you are in good hands when a nurse takes charge.

In this blog, we will explore the five ways in which nurses provide emotional support to patients:

  • Have Nursing Knowledge and Experience:

Healthcare is ever-evolving, and as healthcare providers, nurses need to be knowledgeable about all the advancements in their field. Nurses often continue their education and pursue a Master’s after their Bachelor’s to improve their ability to care for patients. 

Obtaining a Master’s in nursing equips them with a broader skillset and a deeper understanding of healthcare products and practices. Moreover, fieldwork gives them the required exposure and practical knowledge to handle everyday medical emergencies for patients. Nurses already working in the healthcare sector often opt for online MSN degrees because these provide them with a comprehensive skillset to care for patients holistically. It helps them be better at their job without having to relocate or pay a fortune in tuition and relocation costs. 

Nurses can deliver high-quality patient care with the latest developments in their field and evidence-based practices. This helps foster feelings of trust and comfort in the nurse-patient relationship dynamic. 

Remember, a nurse with an advanced degree is most likely more adept at dealing with physical and emotional breakdowns than one with a fundamental qualification in the field. 

  • Helping Patients Deal With Trauma:

After developing a good understanding of the medical problem your patient is facing, you can work on understanding the trauma it has caused them. However, it is essential to remember that each patient is unique, and their trauma is distinct. Hence, your emotional support to them needs to be flexible. 

Nurses create a safe and non-judgmental space for patients to share their feelings, fears, and experiences comfortably. Nurses are active listeners that validate their patients’ emotions by reassuring them. Their empathy makes a world of difference in a patient’s coping process. 

As for patients who like to keep to themselves and aren’t open and expressive, nurses respect their preferences and focus on building trust and therapeutic relationships. They reinforce that they are there for the patients and wait patiently for them to open up. 

Nurses are also well-informed about your medical condition and can provide much information. This helps elevate anxiety and helps you feel empowered to make better decisions. They also offer educational resources such as pamphlets, books, or reputable websites that help you understand your health state better. 

Nurses also connect you with support groups and counseling services to provide a platform to engage with others facing similar challenges. They can offer a sense of community, assurance, and the chance to gain guidance from others who went through something similar. Similarly, counseling services can help patients manage their feelings, stress, and concerns about their health. 

A crucial component of nursing is offering companionship. It enhances patients’ emotional health. Patients find comfort and support from nurses who are proactive and offer themselves to the field to make patients feel better. They provide the patient with a sense of community and ease any loneliness they may be experiencing. They actively listen while demonstrating empathy and compassion, which aids in establishing a safe environment for the patients. 

This aids both the patient experience and the other healthcare professionals’ jobs. When a patient views a nurse as a friend, they are ready to put all of their trust in them. This helps nurses provide personalized care to reduce discomfort during medication and procedures. Moreover, they also advocate for patients once they know their preferences and needs. 

Remember, companionship goes well beyond medical care; it provides a human connection with reassurance and comfort. The power of companionship lies in its ability to nurture trust, provide care, and remind patients that they are not alone on this journey.

  • Adjusting to Hospital Environment:

A hospital isn’t the homiest of places; however, it is often essential for patients to spend time there because of their health conditions. The unfamiliar hospital environment creates unease and anxiety in patients. However, nurses play a critical role in helping patients adapt to this environment and to make their stay as comfortable as physically and emotionally possible.  

Nurses can create a warm and comfortable environment in their rooms. They can ensure their room has everything they need, from extra blankets and pillows to a clean and organized space. Moreover, they can also place pictures of friends and family around the room to provide comfort and familiarity. Clear and concise explanations about the hospital routine, procedures, and test schedules and answering all patient queries help them feel more at ease and in control. 

Besides this, nurses also address any dietary changes a doctor recommends to the patients. They let them decide what to eat within those dietary requirements and ensure that all their meals are served on time; this helps them feel respected. Gestures like offering comfort foods can also go a long way in making patients feel more at ease.

  • Monitor Their Mental Well-being:

Being subjected to countless hours of tests and medical procedures can affect the patient’s mental health. Consuming different medications daily can also add to a patient’s stress; the longer you stay in the hospital, the more you’ll be stressed. 

When all the medical procedures get too much, it is normal for patients to look for a break. Nurses help patients in these scenarios and help check their mental well-being. They thoroughly observe their mood and behavior. 

A patient who starts showing disinterest in their well-being or withdrawal from those around them is at significant risk of becoming depressed. Hence, a nurse must talk to them and try to understand where the patient is coming from. They can then refer the said patients to a counselor or a therapist. 


Nurses play a vital role in providing emotional support to their patients. Their knowledge, skills, and abilities help them offer holistic patient care. They help patients cope with the trauma of their medical condition, provide them with companionship, and help them adjust to the clinical hospital environment. Moreover, they monitor their overall mental well-being.

Nurses create a safe and supportive space for patients to heal physically, emotionally, and mentally. Their dedication and selflessness make them the unsung heroes of the healthcare system.  


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Jarastyle – #Ways #Nurses #Provide #Emotional #Support #Patients
Courtesy : https://www.stephilareine.com/2023/06/5-ways-nurses-provide-emotional-support-to-patients.html?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=5-ways-nurses-provide-emotional-support-to-patients
