An unusual and expressive photo series by Swedish photographer Bertil Nilsson illustrates the difficult and intense work of circus performers. (Caution! Nude) Swedish-born photographer Bertil Nilsson has been working on his project for five years in different parts of Europe and North America: the photo book Undisclosed: The Image of a Modern Circus Performer. As part of the project, Bertil had the opportunity to work with 47 circus artists, including masters of their craft famous in this field. The selection features a dozen works from Bertil Nilsson’s book. These photos are not distinguished by lightness and joyful mood. The subjects of the shooting froze in the frame in tension, like a compressed spring.
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Jarastyle – #Circus #performers #photographed #Bertil #Nilsson
Courtesy : https://pictolic.com/article/circus-performers-photographed-by-bertil-nilsson
Circus performers photographed by Bertil Nilsson – Jarastyle
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