How You Can Pursue a Fashion Degree with Financial Security – Jarastyle

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Fashion is one of the most saturated career fields you could ever be in. If you’ve routinely fantasized about designing clothes and creating your own brand, a fashion degree is calling your name. However, you need to be very diligent in this field as it’s very difficult to find a suitable position. What’s more is that you also need to build financial security as you go through your college education. Here’s how you can pursue a fashion degree with financial security.

Decide on What Your Career Will Be

Since fashion is one of the most bustling industries, there’s plenty of different positions you can strive for. You can participate in a design-related sector, or you could consider going into sales. Either way, you’re bound to find a position that’s just for you. To give you a head start, here are a few fashion careers that are most popular:

  • Fashion designer
  • Graphic designer
  • Textile designer
  • Product developer
  • Creative director
  • Quality assurance manager

These are just to name a few careers, but everything listed here should give you an idea of what you can expect. A fashion degree is far more flexible than it initially appears.

Apply for a Student Credit Card

Now let’s start talking about building financial security. Since the fashion industry is very saturated, getting an established career isn’t easy. It could be a while before you start seeing any kind of results, while building financial security is important. Since you’re still in college, you have an advantage in the form of student credit cards. Student credit cards are how people can start building up their credit while having stability. 

These credit cards are slightly different from regular cards due to the benefits associated with them. These benefits depend on the lender, but usually, you’ll be able to receive a zero annual percentage rate during your first year of having the card. This means that whatever you use the card for, you won’t have to worry about interest rates making it harder. Interest rates tack on a small extra amount of money on top of an initial payment, and some of these rates can be more than 20 percent.

Start Building Your Portfolio

A common misconception many have is that they need to do everything only once college is over. However, this isn’t exactly the smartest choice. If anything, using the time you have in college to start building your fashion portfolio is the best thing you can do. Fashion schools want applicants that show proficiency in digital literacy such as Adobe Photoshop, evidence of your ability to produce high-quality drawings and photos of your completed projects. There are other requirements, but they do depend on the school you’re looking at. Make sure to research what stipulations each school requires before ultimately applying.

Don’t Rush the Process

One of the worst things you can do is rush when pursuing a career in fashion. Rushing can lead to mistakes, which will severely hinder your progress. Always remember to take your time and analyze every situation thoroughly. Especially since general ed courses can help you in your career there is no need to slam yourself into specialty niches before you are sure of the direction you want to take your studies and career. Build up a foundation that you can gradually work off. This will help create somethings strong and sustainable over time. 


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