20 American habits that are considered rude in other countries – Jarastyle

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Behavior that, in your opinion, seems normal, in different parts of the world may seem rude and even boorish. Every nation has its own traditions and views on life in society, so sometimes the habits of foreigners seem strange. Americans, who are considered the freest nation, behave liberally in any situation, often causing confusion among residents of other countries.The country of freedom, the United States, is famous for its liberality. Here they do not dictate rules of behavior and do not consider uncultured what is regarded as ignorance in other countries.Here are 20 American habits that foreigners consider to be manifestations of rudeness.South America is also “America”. South Americans consider it ignorant and humiliating when their continent is “annexed” to the United States.In the United States, many people keep their hands in their pockets during a conversation, while in some countries this is considered disrespectful to the interlocutor. In 2013, Bill Gates was at the center of a scandal when he met with South Korean President Park Geun-hye. The billionaire shook the head of state’s hand, keeping his left hand in his pocket. Koreans were outraged by Gates ‘ behavior, although he did not mean anything bad, following his long-standing habit.To the question “How are you? “in Europe, and especially in Italy, you will get a detailed answer, and not a short” good”, as in the United States.Americans are used to laughing loudly and freely. Everyone likes to joke everywhere, but most people try not to disturb others with their laughter. In Japan, for example, laughing with an open mouth is called “horse” and is considered very impolite.If in the United States they are happy and thank you for a compliment, then in Japan you will not hear “thank you” in response to words of sympathy. Here, accepting compliments is considered a sign of arrogance and selfishness.Americans like to whistle at an opportunity. In most countries, this is considered normal, but in Haiti, for example, children can not whistle in the presence of adults, as well as cross their legs, look directly into their eyes and stand with their hands on their hips.An American taxi driver will decide that the passenger is up to something wrong if he sat in the seat next to him. In other countries-New Zealand, Australia and the UK-it is considered rude not to sit in the seat next to the driver. If a passenger chooses the back seat, the driver will think that he is a snob.If in the United States, most people come to parties on time, then in Argentina, appearing at a dinner party is exactly considered bad form. Such unpunctuality is typical for all spheres of life in this country.In most Asian and many European houses, it is not customary to walk in street shoes inside an apartment. Guests are offered slippers at the entrance, while in the USA no one walks barefoot around the house.In the United States, blowing your nose in the presence of others is not considered an impolite gesture. In Japan, this is unacceptable, and a runny nose is called “hanakuso”, which literally means “nasal garbage”.If you ask a restaurant in Portugal to add a little salt or pepper to a dish, you will offend the chef. He will think that his food seemed to you tasteless. In France, a cafe visitor will be looked at with bewilderment if he asks to bring ketchup. Before traveling to another country, it is worth learning more about the local etiquette at the table.In the United States, it is always customary to tip, but in Japan, waiters may be offended by this. The fee for good service is already included in the invoice that is brought to you.Americans often open gifts in the presence of the givers. In the United States, this is considered a manifestation of appreciation and gratitude. But in most Asian countries, including China and India, unpacking a gift in front of the person who gave it is a bad tone.In the United States, they do not refuse gifts out of politeness. In Japan, the refusal of a present is considered a manifestation of modesty and good manners.Despite the popularity of sportswear in the United States, in most Asian and European countries, sweatpants on the street are considered tasteless. They prefer to wear outfits that are not intended for the gym.As in most countries, in the United States, the right hand is shaken when greeting, but in other life situations, the left is often used. At the same time, in different parts of the world it is not customary to give gifts, accept gifts and touch people with your left hand. The point is not that, according to traditional ideas, evil is always on the left side, but for a practical reason: in many countries, the left hand is used in the toilet.In Japan, even before the outbreak of the pandemic, residents of megacities wore masks, but not only to protect themselves from harmful bacteria. The face is also covered in order to keep warm and hide emotions.Americans cross their fingers for good luck, and in Vietnam such a gesture conditionally means a vagina.Despite the fact that Americans often show a gesture of peace in photos on social networks, the British consider it as an insult. This is due to historical events. It is said that in the 15th century, during one of the battles, the imprisoned archers had their index and middle fingers cut off so that they could no longer shoot arrows. Those who managed to escape and remained with whole fingers showed them when they ran away.Fans of heavy rock show “horns” at concerts in many countries. In fact, this gesture means that the wife is cheating on her husband behind his back.There are many quirks in American culture that Americans themselves do not even notice. After learning about them, foreigners are very surprised.


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Jarastyle – #American #habits #considered #rude #countries
Courtesy : https://pictolic.com/article/20-american-habits-that-are-considered-rude-in-other-countries
