13 Places In Our Body That Mostly Gets Ignored While Showering – Jarastyle

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While we all strive to maintain good personal hygiene, there are areas of our bodies that tend to get overlooked in our daily routines. From the obvious to the easily forgotten, we have compiled a list of body parts that may not be receiving the attention they deserve. In this article, we will explore these often-neglected areas and discover simple yet effective ways to care for them properly. So, by the end of this article, you’ll be equipped with valuable insights to feel confident about giving every part of your body the love and care it truly deserves. Let’s dive in!

1. Neck

Your neck faces the same external factors like UV light and pollution, just like your face does. And here’s a fun fact: the skin on our neck is actually thinner, which means it’s more prone to those pesky premature wrinkles. Many experts say that using the same good stuff on your neck that you use on your face is more than enough. So, let’s show some love to our necks, include them in your skincare routine, and keep them looking just as fabulous as your faces!

2. Tongue

Just like our teeth, our tongues are also home to bacteria that build up throughout the day. It forms a substance called biofilm, and if we don’t clean our tongues properly, it can lead to bad breath and even harm our teeth. The simple solution is to brush your tongue every time you brush your teeth.

3. Buttocks

Taking care of your skin goes beyond just your face and chest – your buttocks need some attention too! While acne and blocked pores are more common on your face and chest, they can also pop up on your butt. But wait, it’s not always acne; sometimes, it’s folliculitis, which is an inflamed hair follicle. Sweat, friction, and non-breathable clothing can be culprits, keeping your skin moist and leading to this issue.

4. Elbows

Taking care of our elbows is often overlooked, but it’s essential to prevent them from becoming dry and uncomfortable. There are various reasons why our elbows might get dry, like weather conditions, irritation from certain soaps and perfumes, and even underlying medical conditions like eczema and psoriasis. The best way to treat dry elbows is to moisturize them regularly, especially after swimming or bathing.

5. Scalp

Dealing with dandruff on your scalp can be frustrating, and it can stem from various reasons. It might be triggered by a reaction to hair products, the presence of a fungus that thrives on scalp oils, or even other underlying skin conditions. Plus, cold weather and stressful periods can worsen the problem. You can effectively reduce or eliminate dandruff by using the right treatment during your hair wash routine.

6. Nails

No matter how diligently you wash your hands, that pesky gray gunk under your nails can still stick around. But fret not, because it’s entirely normal! Mostly composed of keratin debris, skin cells, and dirt, it tends to accumulate naturally. Now, here’s the important part – if this gunk starts turning green, it might be a sign of bacteria lurking under your nails, which could lead to an infection.

7. Ears

Earwax is a natural and essential part of our body’s defense system, protecting our ears from harmful invaders. While it might seem tempting to use a cotton swab to remove excess earwax, it’s best to avoid doing so. If you feel the need to maintain ear hygiene, stick to gently cleaning the outer area with a soft washcloth.

8. Feet

Giving your feet a quick rinse under the shower might not be sufficient to keep them in top shape. It’s crucial to pay attention to every nook and cranny, including the sides and bottoms, to combat the buildup of bacteria on your foot skin. A good scrub can work wonders, helping to eliminate dead skin cells and exfoliate the skin, leaving it feeling fresh and rejuvenated.

9. Belly Button

Our belly buttons and their intricate crevices can be a breeding ground for various kinds of bacteria, potentially causing bad odors, yeast infections, or even navel stones. To keep this area clean, the cleaning process depends on the type of belly button you have. For those with an outward protrusion, often referred to as an “outie,” regular showers with soap should do the trick.

10. Knees

It’s perfectly normal for the skin on our knees to appear slightly darker than the rest of our body. This happens due to various factors like exposure to the sun, friction, and dryness in that area. If you wish to prevent this harmless darkening of the knees, consider applying sunscreen regularly, especially when your knees will be exposed to sunlight.

11. Armpits

Taking care of the skin under our arms is often overlooked, but it’s essential to address common problems like sweat, odor, and rashes. Relying solely on deodorant won’t suffice for maintaining healthy underarm skin. To prioritize this area, focus on keeping it clean. Regularly washing the underarms once a day and exfoliating once or twice a week will work wonders in promoting healthy and clean skin.

12. Hands

Our hands can easily become dry and cracked, especially around the knuckles, due to certain habits and environmental conditions. Cold weather, frequent hand washing, and underlying medical conditions can worsen this issue. The key to tackling dry knuckles is consistent moisturization. Applying a nourishing moisturizer regularly can work wonders.

13. Teeth

 When it comes to dental hygiene, many of us associate it mainly with brushing our teeth. But here’s the truth – brushing your teeth is not enough. To step up your dental hygiene game, it’s crucial to introduce dental floss into your cleaning routine. Flossing is essential as it removes the food particles stuck between your teeth, which your toothbrush simply can’t reach.

By incorporating proper care for these often-forgotten areas, we can enjoy the benefits of a healthier and more confident self. Remember, a little effort can go a long way in maintaining our skin’s health, preventing potential discomforts, and promoting a positive body image. So let’s make a conscious effort to include these neglected areas in our self-care regimen, because every inch of our body deserves to feel valued and cherished!

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The following two tabs change content below.13 Places In Our Body That Mostly Gets Ignored While Showering - JarastyleIndrani is a writer and artist who likes to add a dash of humor to everything she does. She has two years of experience in writing articles across beauty, health, and lifestyle genres. After graduating in Political Science from Calcutta University, she took a detour into the world of creativity and discovered her knack for social writing, advertising, designing, and…more


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Jarastyle – #Places #Body #Showering
Courtesy : https://www.stylecraze.com/trending/places-in-our-body-that-mostly-gets-ignored-while-showering/
