11 Common Things That May Get Us Addicted Without Our Knowledge – Jarastyle

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We all know what addictions do to us, and how difficult it can be to overcome them, but it’s a fight we need to win. When we say addictions, we don’t necessarily mean the obvious drug addictions. You will be surprised to know that there are several things we can be obsessed with, without even realizing it. Starting from the need to check on your social media after every five minutes, to sipping in coffee throughout the day, here are some conventional addictions most of us are guilty of having. Read on to know them all.

1. Moisturizing Your Skin

When the skin is constantly hydrated, it might lose its natural ability to do so. When people stopped using atopic treatments on their bodies, researchers discovered that their skin remained dry for a maximum of three weeks. However, there is hope, since natural moistening may be restored gradually over time.

2. Drinking Diet Soda

Diet sodas use artificial sweeteners, which are exactly as sweet as sugar and so can promote cravings and addictions due to their composition. This is why substituting diet soda for regular soda isn’t the healthiest way to cut calories and lose weight.

3. Using UV Tanning Beds

Researchers have shown that the UV rays emitted by tanning beds raise blood flow to the parts of the brain that are responsible for addiction. That’s why frequent customers of tanning salons tend to stay for longer than necessary even if they don’t require a tan.

4. Applying Lip Balm

Many people worry about developing a behavioral addiction to lip balm, because of the strong urge to constantly reapply it. This is because, like nail biting and hair plucking, it’s a pleasurable routine that has the potential to become obsessive behavior.

5. Listening To Music

Dopamine is produced in the brain as a result of musical stimulation. Listening to music is associated with a variety of positive outcomes, such as improved cognitive function, reduced stress, and elevated mood, but it could additionally leave us feeling euphoric & wanting more. But, that’s an addiction we can live with!

6. Teeth Whitening

Bleachorexia refers specifically to an addiction to teeth-whitening products. It’s possible to classify it as a form of body dysmorphic disorder since it affects individuals who frequently perceive their white, healthy teeth as being unclean and yellow.

7. Falling In Love

Like the early phases of drug addiction, the initial phase of falling in love is characterized by cravings, exhilaration, and anxiety. This occurs because both sensations activate the same region of the brain that is in charge of recognizing the reward & urge feelings.

8. Putting Eye Drops

Research shows that cycloplegic eye drops have a significant potential for addiction. These help doctors examine the retina and treat corneal inflammation during eye exams. Withdrawal symptoms have been documented in a few patients who used this eye drop during therapy.

9. Purchasing Designer Clothes

In the realm of addictive behaviors, compulsive shopping is also included. Some people are attracted to high-end labels because they make them feel and look superior. Anxiety and feelings of isolation are exacerbated by this action, although they are treatable with professional therapy sessions.

10. Clicking Selfies

People with poor self-esteem may be prone to taking an unusual number of selfies every day. Two manifestations of this addiction are the pursuit of the “perfect selfie” and the desire to be well-received on social media.

11. Getting Body Piercing

Body piercing triggers the production of endorphins, popularly known as the “feel-good” hormone. Because of this, a surge of exhilaration and happiness occurs, and some people become dependent on it.

How To Overcome Any Kind Of Addiction

1. Recognize That There Is An Issue

Recognizing that you’re struggling with an addiction is a crucial first step toward recovery. The brains of people with substance use disorders are wired to constantly justify and rationalize their drug usage. Admitting you have a problem demonstrates the strength and the willingness to confront your addiction & its causes. There are many resources available, but the most important factor in the success of any treatment plan is a strong social network. If you aren’t ready to talk to loved ones, a counselor, doctor, or treatment center are all options.

2. Think About Your Dependency

Think about how your addiction has harmed your life and how much better it will be once you’ve kicked the habit out of your lifestyle. Keeping a diary can be a useful first step in developing a recovery plan since it can reveal trends, triggers, objectives, and motivators.

You may think you are the only one obsessed with some kind of habit, but trust us, more people are in the same boat than you can imagine. It is important to research your habit and find out if it is harmful, and what can be done to get out of the habit. Also, never be ashamed of taking help from professionals, for they are the ones who will be able to help you out for real. So what is one not-so-usual habit you are addicted to? Let us know in the comments section!


  1. Dopamine efflux in response to ultraviolet radiation in addicted sunbed users, NCBI

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The following two tabs change content below.11 Common Things That May Get Us Addicted Without Our Knowledge - JarastyleIndrani is a writer and artist who likes to add a dash of humor to everything she does. She has two years of experience in writing articles across beauty, health, and lifestyle genres. After graduating in Political Science from Calcutta University, she took a detour into the world of creativity and discovered her knack for social writing, advertising, designing, and…more


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Jarastyle – #Common #Addicted #Knowledge
Courtesy : https://www.stylecraze.com/trending/common-things-that-may-get-us-addicted-without-our-knowledge/
