10 Things You Thought Were Vegan But Are Actually Not – Jarastyle

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The path to a vegan lifestyle is often guided by carefully reading labels and scrutinizing ingredients. Surprisingly, some items that appear unquestionably vegan at first glance may contain hidden animal-derived ingredients. In this article, we’ve compiled a list of such products that may have unexpected non-vegan components. From French fries and bread to toothpaste and even building materials, these examples serve as a reminder to double-check labels and remain vigilant in our choices. By staying informed about these hidden ingredients, we can make more conscious decisions and ensure our commitment to a truly vegan lifestyle. So, let’s explore these unexpected non-vegan items and expand our knowledge on the journey to a more compassionate way of living.

1. French Fries

French fries, often considered a quintessential vegan food, may not be as straightforward as they appear. While they are typically made from potatoes and salt, the reality is more complex. Some fast food establishments are guilty of frying their fries in oil shared with meat or fish products. Additionally, potato pieces can be coated with powdered milk or fried using animal fat. These unexpected additions compromise the vegan status of what would otherwise seem like a purely plant-based delight.

2. Bread

Not all bread varieties are vegan-friendly, as certain types are baked with ingredients like eggs, milk, honey, and butter. Commercially produced bread often incorporates animal-derived components to enhance texture, flavor, and prolong shelf life. It’s important to be aware of these potential additives when seeking vegan options in the bread aisle.

3. Sugar

The processing of white sugar involves the use of bone char, an organic whitening agent. This substance aids in achieving the desired color. Similarly, brown sugar also goes through this process and is subsequently tinted brown by the addition of molasses. It’s worth noting these details when considering the vegan status of different sugar varieties.

4. Chewing Gum

Chewing gum manufacturers sometimes incorporate animal-derived ingredients into their products to attain the desired texture or color. Among the most frequently used are gelatin, carmine, and lecithin. Gelatin, derived from various animal parts, is employed to shape and provide texture to chewing gum pieces. Carmine, a dye extracted from insects, is another commonly used ingredient. Lecithin serves as a softener and can be derived from eggs, dairy products, or plants. Understanding these additives can help individuals make informed choices when selecting vegan-friendly chewing gum options.

5. Fruit Juice

Fruit juices are not solely composed of juice alone. Producers often incorporate a variety of colorants, flavorings, and additives into the mix. In some cases, gelatin is added as an agent to filter out pulp and create a uniform consistency. However, it is uncertain whether the gelatin is completely removed, as it binds to cloudy substances and is subsequently eliminated. Additionally, other animal-derived ingredients such as honey or non-vegan vitamins may be included in fruit juices. Being aware of these potential additives can assist individuals in making informed choices when selecting vegan-friendly fruit juices.

6. Soy Sauce

In its essence, soy sauce is considered vegan-friendly as it typically consists of water, soybeans, and wheat. However, certain commercially produced varieties of soy sauce may incorporate flavor enhancers derived from meat and fish. It’s important to check the ingredients list to ensure that the soy sauce you choose aligns with your vegan preferences. By being mindful of these potential additives, you can confidently enjoy soy sauce while maintaining your vegan lifestyle.

7. Gummy Bears

Gummy bears, as a general practice, are made using gelatin as an additive. This ingredient lends these chewy treats, including other gummy candies, their distinctive gel-like texture.

8. Chips

Classic potato chips are typically free from non-vegan ingredients. However, the story changes when it comes to flavored varieties. These chips may incorporate animal-derived components such as honey, dairy products, meat-based flavors, and even animal fat for frying. Salt-and-vinegar flavored chips, in particular, have a higher likelihood of containing milk or lactose as a mixing ingredient. It’s important to check the labels or seek specifically vegan-certified options when selecting flavored chips to align with your dietary preferences.

9. Apple

After being harvested, apples undergo a preparation process for sale. They are cleaned, washed, and the natural wax that safeguards them from drying out is removed from their surface. To enhance their shelf life and appearance, apples are coated with a thin layer of wax. It’s important to note that this wax can be derived from both vegetable and animal sources. For instance, it can be produced from the resin secreted by the Indian lac bug. Therefore, , it’s worth considering that apples may not be considered entirely vegan due to this potential use of animal-derived wax.

10. Toothpaste

Toothpaste often includes a range of animal-derived ingredients. For instance, propolis, a bee product made from wax and bees’ saliva, is sometimes used as a natural substitute for artificial substances. Certain toothpaste brands may also incorporate animal-derived colorants like cochineal. Glycerin, employed to maintain product moisture, can be derived from both animal and plant sources, making it challenging to determine its vegan-friendliness. It is important to carefully review the ingredients list or opt for toothpaste brands that explicitly state their vegan status.

The journey towards maintaining a vegan lifestyle involves more than meets the eye. Many items that we may have assumed to be vegan-friendly can contain hidden animal-derived ingredients. It’s essential to stay vigilant and carefully examine labels, as some products may harbor unexpected non-vegan additives. Being aware of these hidden ingredients empowers us to make informed choices and align our values with the products we consume. By remaining diligent and continuously educating ourselves, we can navigate the complex landscape of veganism and ensure our commitment to a compassionate and cruelty-free lifestyle.

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The following two tabs change content below.10 Things You Thought Were Vegan But Are Actually Not - JarastyleIndrani is a writer and artist who likes to add a dash of humor to everything she does. She has two years of experience in writing articles across beauty, health, and lifestyle genres. After graduating in Political Science from Calcutta University, she took a detour into the world of creativity and discovered her knack for social writing, advertising, designing, and…more


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Jarastyle – #Thought #Vegan
Courtesy : https://www.stylecraze.com/trending/things-you-thought-were-vegan-but-are-actually-not/
