“You Are Just A Number” — Woman Locked Out Of Laptop Just Minutes After Her 10-Year Job Ended – Jarastyle

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In a viral TikTok video, Valerie Thompkins, a dedicated employee at her company for almost ten years, claims that after giving her two weeks’ notice, she was locked out of her work laptop within 20 minutes.

The video has gained over 4 million views and sparked discussions among viewers who relate to her experiences. Thompkins emphasizes that employers see employees as replaceable and advises viewers to prioritize their well-being by taking time off.

“It’s never that deep,” she says in the video text overlay. “Take your [paid time off]. Work will always be there.” Thompkins addressed viewers’ comments in subsequent videos and shared insights on growth in the workplace, presenting four key takeaways.

1. Act Your Wage

“Act your wage” and the “quiet quitting” trend trended on social media last year. Thompkins states that many jobs demand employees to exceed expectations without increasing pay. Nonetheless, it’s possible to find better opportunities and advance without overexertion.

"You Are Just A Number" — Woman Locked Out Of Laptop Just Minutes After Her 10-Year Job Ended - Jarastyle

Furthermore, consistently giving more than 100% at work and then scaling back to 100% may be viewed as underperformance.

"You Are Just A Number" — Woman Locked Out Of Laptop Just Minutes After Her 10-Year Job Ended - Jarastyle

Thompkins clarifies that assuming additional tasks, like projects or volunteer events, can create an ongoing expectation.

"You Are Just A Number" — Woman Locked Out Of Laptop Just Minutes After Her 10-Year Job Ended - Jarastyle

“If you’re not reaping the benefits of being an overachiever, make sure you’re clocking out at 5:00 sharp.”

2. Personal Growth In The Workplace Is Vital Regardless Of Company Size

Thompkins emphasizes the importance of self-reflection in determining whether the lack of growth lies within oneself. Seeing colleagues receive promotions or witnessing newcomers climb the corporate ladder faster might prompt such introspection.

"You Are Just A Number" — Woman Locked Out Of Laptop Just Minutes After Her 10-Year Job Ended - Jarastyle

Whether recognition and advancement are not forthcoming or if one has exhausted all learning possibilities in their current position, evaluating available options becomes crucial. It is possible to remain content in one’s current job while seeking personal growth, or alternatively, one may choose to seek new opportunities elsewhere for achieving success.

3. Secure Financial Resources For Your Career And Investments

Although her first job provided immediate support, she recognized the need to save for future ventures, such as writing children’s books. By having funds readily available, she successfully established a supplemental income stream.

"You Are Just A Number" — Woman Locked Out Of Laptop Just Minutes After Her 10-Year Job Ended - Jarastyle

Likewise, consider exploring innovative methods to invest in yourself, such as starting a side hustle, acquiring new skills for your resume, or engaging in the stock market with minimal investments.

4. Have A Plan In Place Before You Quit

Be cautious when leaving a toxic job. Find your next job before quitting, but if that’s not possible, actively seek new opportunities. However, avoid putting yourself at risk without income.

"You Are Just A Number" — Woman Locked Out Of Laptop Just Minutes After Her 10-Year Job Ended - Jarastyle

“Do not put yourself in a place to be hungry or homeless, even when the job is toxic,” she says.

"You Are Just A Number" — Woman Locked Out Of Laptop Just Minutes After Her 10-Year Job Ended - Jarastyle

You Can View The Full Video Here:


Unless your name is on the building, its never that deep. Take your PTO. Work will always be there. #quit #job #corporate #blackgirl #remotejob #techjob #hr #foryou #fyp #jobtok #corporatetiktok #quittok

♬ It Do Not Matter – cheech

Viewers Echoed Thompkins’ Statements In The Comments:

"You Are Just A Number" — Woman Locked Out Of Laptop Just Minutes After Her 10-Year Job Ended - Jarastyle

"You Are Just A Number" — Woman Locked Out Of Laptop Just Minutes After Her 10-Year Job Ended - Jarastyle

"You Are Just A Number" — Woman Locked Out Of Laptop Just Minutes After Her 10-Year Job Ended - Jarastyle

"You Are Just A Number" — Woman Locked Out Of Laptop Just Minutes After Her 10-Year Job Ended - Jarastyle

"You Are Just A Number" — Woman Locked Out Of Laptop Just Minutes After Her 10-Year Job Ended - Jarastyle

"You Are Just A Number" — Woman Locked Out Of Laptop Just Minutes After Her 10-Year Job Ended - Jarastyle


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Jarastyle – #Number #Woman #Locked #Laptop #Minutes #10Year #Job #Ended
Courtesy : https://pleated-jeans.com/2023/05/17/growth-in-the-workplace/
