Yo Mama Jokes to Show Your Mom How Much You Love Her This Mother’s Day | by Lauren Piskothy | May, 2023 – Jarastyle

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Sometimes cheesy store-bought cards aren’t enough. Show the woman who gave you life just how much you love and appreciate her with these flattering Yo Mama jokes this Mother’s Day!

Lauren PiskothyThe Belladonna ComedyPhoto: Pixabay

Yo mama so cool I bet she can freeze time and still uses that time to do something nice for you.

Yo mama so fashionable she literally invented all those 90s trends that are coming back. Hey Vogue! Instead of Gigi Hadid, why don’t you put this mama on the cover?!

Yo mama so pretty she looks like she could be in one of those L’Oreal anti-ageing wrinkle cream commercials, but after the cream did its magic without even using a drop!

Yo mama so patient I bet she listens to you complain about super petty things like, “I can’t believe Stacy didn’t post a pic from our brunch on her Insta story” and still gives you sage advice that you’ll cherish for a lifetime.

Yo mama so fearless she literally harbored a human being inside of her and then squeezed it out not really knowing what effect it would have on her body. Like, whaaaa??! That is way braver than anything Bear Grylls has done. I mean, eating animal poop vs the miracle of creating life, yo mama wins, no contest. Give this mama a TV show where she hangs out with celebs!

Yo mama so supportive I bet if you wanted to be the first person to go to Jupiter (even though that’s impossible because it’s made of hydrogen and helium) she’d still encourage you, but manage your expectations in a kind, loving way.

Yo mama is such a saint she seems like the type of person who would drive you and your friends to a Jonas Brothers concert several hours away just because she wants to see you happy.

Yo mama is such an emotionally intelligent queen she knows exactly what you need to do to solve your interpersonal conflict but nurtures you in such a way that she lets you come to your own conclusion.

Yo mama such a legend I bet all your friends are like, “Wow, her mama is so cool and funny and pretty and nice and did I say cool?”

Yo mama so funny she could have her own Netflix Stand-Up Special called: A Night with Yo Mama. And it could be filled with jokes about yo mama, but she would never be disrespectful to another mama. Instead, she’d do a really hilarious, tight set about her life and observations outside of being a mama because there’s so much more to her than the fact that she has kids! The only cleaning up yo mama is gonna do afterwards, is at the Emmy’s.


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Courtesy : https://thebelladonnacomedy.com/yo-mama-jokes-to-show-your-mom-how-much-you-love-her-this-mothers-day-4e4200ead61f?source=rss—-e9e22d25fb5e—4
