Yesica Orozco On Content Creation, Music, And Negativities Online – Jarastyle Teen’s

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Ever wondered how songs in Spanish sound when translated to English? They sound different but are still fun to listen to. Take it from Yesica Orozco, who made a name in social media after translating songs from Spanish to English just for fun. 

Today, she shares with us her journey as a content creator and aspiring singer.

Who is Yesica Orozco?

Yesica Orozco is an influencer known for her singing and funny skits. Her ability to translate and sing songs from English to Spanish helped her gain a large following online — she has almost 60,000 followers on Instagram and more than 800,000 on TikTok. 

Yesica Orozco On Content Creation, Music, And Negativities Online - Jarastyle Teen's

Yesica Orozco started creating content during the pandemic but always loved watching funny videos online when she was still a kid. She shares, “As a young child, I always watch YouTube videos of people doing funny stuff or makeup and all that sort of things. And I would always be like, ‘Wow, I want to do that. I want to have people watch me and be entertained.”

She started creating videos during the pandemic just for fun, and she didn’t expect to gain a lot of engagement. People were commenting and watching her videos — and these inspired her to keep going. Yesica adds, “So then I just continued to do it, and I really liked it.”

Yesica’s Niche

Presently, Yesica Orozco focuses on creating content about her singing and funny skits. But a quick look at her Instagram and TikTok accounts would tell us what type of content she’s really good at making — translating songs from Hispanic to English. 

According to Yesica, the idea hit her when she was sitting in the living room with her sister, listening to La Basurita. She recalls, “It’s kind of crazy because I was listening to and I told my sister, ‘Imagine if this song was in English. It would say, oh, I’m a piece of trash, and people in America would think that we’re crazy.’”

She worked on translating the song after that to see how it would sound. She did it solely for fun and ended up singing. She posted it online, and she didn’t expect that content to blow up. 

From there, Yesica decided to look for classic songs used by Hispanics and translate them into English. Her goal of sharing Hispanic songs with the American community also fueled her desire to translate songs and post them online. 

How Yesica’s Audience Reacted to Her Songs

Yesica’s ability to translate songs helped her grow her audience. She says, “People have always asked me to do full covers of songs on YouTube or Spotify. I haven’t really gotten to Spotify yet, but I have a couple of translated songs on my YouTube channel that are full covers.”

Because of the positive feedback she received from her audience, Yesica sees herself still translating songs in the future. She adds, “I think that’s something that I want to come next for me, as far as translating full covers and uploading to YouTube, so people can watch.”

Yesica on Pursuing a Singing Career

Yesica Orozco did talent shows in Kansas City and the US a few years ago. Two of the songs she wrote are also right now on Spotify, Apple Music, and YouTube. She’s working on an EP or extended play and hopes to release it soon. 

“So singing is something that I always wanted to do and continue to do, and be able to reach my dreams with that,” Yesica states. 

How Yesica Posts Content on Different Platforms

Yesica Orozco does a lot of reposts from TikTok to Instagram. She focuses on bringing whatever she posts on TikTok to Instagram because she has different audiences on each platform.

She explains, “A lot of people that have Instagram don’t have TikTok, or a lot of people that have TikTok don’t have Instagram. So I try to have them both at the same time, on the same page. But sometimes, I post some skits on Instagram that I don’t want on TikTok because I don’t feel like it’s the right time to post on TikTok.”

“So I do feel like Instagram is my platform if I need to try something out and see how it goes, and then post on TikTok,” Yesica adds.

Yesica’s Best Video to Date

Yesica’s video singing La Chona is her most successful yet. It had over 21 million views, and she didn’t expect the video to blow up the way it did. She comments, “That was a crazy moment for me.”

When asked why this video was very successful, Yesica believes because the song is a classic. She explains, “As a Hispanic, if you go to any party and have music playing, there’s no Hispanic person that doesn’t know La Chola. It’s such as classic, and I feel like when I was thinking about what to translate, that’s one of the first things that really came to my mind. And I knew I had to do this one because it’s a classic, and it’s a really funny song.”

Challenges or Obstacles in Content Creation

“I have had a lot of trouble with hate, but I have a lot of people around me that constantly support and give me good advice on how to run around them. I know that at first, when I started posting my videos, they were going viral very quickly and very fast. So I wasn’t used to getting a lot of comments or views, and then people were commenting all of these things,” Yesica shares. 

Yesica recalled crying by the time she reached her fourth video. She even told herself she would quit because people were being mean to her online. Thankfully, her boyfriend was there to motivate her and change her mind.

Yesica Orozco shares, “My boyfriend did talk to me and was, ‘You know what? You have to understand that if you’re going to do social media, you’re in front of so many people, and not everybody will like your work. And you have to be okay with that.’”

The advice Yesica’s boyfriend gave her stuck in her brain, and she thinks about it whenever she posts online. She says, “Whenever I post a video or photo, I always post it with the idea that not everyone is going to like what I post. And that’s been something that has pushed me through hate and people being mean online.”

Yesica admits that being a content creator is challenging as she has to be in front of so many people. She uses her boyfriend’s advice to continue. She always reminds herself that to make a name on social media, she has to be okay with not everybody liking her work all the time.  

Brand Collabs and Partnerships

Yesica Orozco has worked with several brands in the past and was really happy about her experience. She hopes to work with more brands in the future. She says, “I have a couple of dream brands that I hope to work with someday, but I really enjoy working with brands. I think it’s honestly a fun thing to do.”

When choosing which brands to work with, Yesica says she always tries to choose brands that fit her niche in some way. Because there aren’t too many brands in music, Yesica focuses on working with brands in the fashion and beauty industry. 

Yesica also considers her audience when deciding which brands to collaborate with.

“I have a lot of brand collabs for Instagram for fashion, clothes, beauty, and skincare. I always try to fit something that’s going to go with my audience because I have a lot of kids in my following, too. I don’t want to put anything that’s only appropriate for over 21, so I always choose my brand deals, knowing and keeping in mind that I have kids in my audience,” Yesica shares. 

What’s your favorite collab to date?

Yesica Orozco worked with the Kansas City Chiefs last year and considered it her favorite collab. She gives us more details saying, “It was such a fun experience and being able to show my community I’m from Kansas City and just being able to genuinely bring that content out.”

Yesica believes her goal to create genuine content played a big role in the success of her brand collabs, including the one with the Kansas City Chiefs. She explains, “When I focus on brand dealerships, brand deals, brand sponsorships, I always feel like it has to be genuine. And whenever I choose them [brands], I always do genuine content. I try not to lie to people like, ‘Do this, do that’ because I want to be as genuine as possible.”

“I feel like with the Chiefs, it was just so genuine. I was able to be around people that are from Kansas City and be around everyone that supports Kansas [city]. It was a fun and genuine experience, and I think that’s something that helped me become successful,” Yesica says. 

Yesica Orozco created some story posts for the Chiefs and modeled them for their campaign. They were about to release some merchandise and invited several influencers to promote the products. Yesica shares more about her experience:

“They rented an Airbnb. Me and another influencer here from Kansas City did a photoshoot with them. We got our makeup done by professional makeup artists here, and we got our photos taken. We got some merchandise from them, and we got to take a little bit of photos, and they were able to run it through their website and sponsor it on social media to show it around and have people buy it.”

What brands do you want to collab with in the future?

Yesica Orozco is interested in working with fashion brands. She worked with some in the past but wants to do more in the future. She says, “I know that my dream collab is definitely to work with Adidas. I really like Adidas, so I hope one day I can get to work with them and get something together with them.”

What Yesica Hopes to See in the Influencer Creator Space in the Future

Because the creator space is rapidly growing, Yesica wants to learn more from people in the industry in the future. She’s always genuinely looking for other people who can share their learnings with her and provide answers when she has industry-related questions. 

“Something I would like to change in creators or ourselves is to be a little bit more open with creators. I feel like sometimes, you reach out to creators and ask, ‘Hey, what are you going here?’ and they kind of gatekeep their stuff. We need to be more open with each other,” Yesica shares.

What’s Next for Yesica

Yesica Orozco is currently working on her EP and hopes to release it in August this year. Her EP will have about six songs, all of which were written by her. She also hopes that her EP will include features of some artists in Kansas City. 

She adds, “I’m really excited for people to hear the music and be able to share it and have fun with it themselves.”


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