Woman Regrets Moving Back To The US For A Better Paying Job, Say The “American Dream” Is Dead – Jarastyle

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In the land of opportunity, the ‘American Dream‘ has long been the shimmering beacon attracting people from all corners of the globe. The promise of prosperity, success, and upward mobility has drawn countless individuals to America’s shores, each with hopes of carving out their own slice of happiness. But as times change, so do perceptions and priorities.

Recently, one woman took to Tiktok to explain why she regrets moving back to the US from Ireland to take a higher paying job.

Woman Regrets Moving Back To The US For A Better Paying Job, Say The "American Dream" Is Dead - JarastyleWoman Regrets Moving Back To The US For A Better Paying Job, Say The "American Dream" Is Dead - Jarastyle

“I am an American who lived and worked in Ireland for four years, and I recently moved back to America. And I have been bamboozled. Living abroad for so long, you obviously start to miss home, you think about all of the positives. I was thinking, ‘Hmmm, maybe I should go back to America. You make more money there.

Yeah, I’d get less time off, but I’d still get time off and it’d be okay. I could save a lot more money. And then if I wanted to move back to Europe in the future, because my boyfriend is European, I could do that. And I’d have a fatter bank account. Plus, there’s more job opportunities there. It’d be great for my career, propel myself forward.’ So I moved back.”

Woman Regrets Moving Back To The US For A Better Paying Job, Say The "American Dream" Is Dead - Jarastyle

Woman Regrets Moving Back To The US For A Better Paying Job, Say The "American Dream" Is Dead - Jarastyle

“When I tell you my bank account has gone down since I moved back here — I literally have lost money by moving back here. Thing is, I got a job where I made more money in America than I was making in Ireland. But I still can’t save. The cost of living here is exponentially higher, it’s… no words. And the job market sucks.

On top of that, yes, I do have way less time off. I have less than half of what I was getting in Ireland. I was getting 29 paid days off a year, plus holidays. So about 40 days off a year. And here I’m getting like 10 days off a year.”

Woman Regrets Moving Back To The US For A Better Paying Job, Say The "American Dream" Is Dead - JarastyleWoman Regrets Moving Back To The US For A Better Paying Job, Say The "American Dream" Is Dead - Jarastyle

“Basically, I really got sucked into like the American Dream way of living when I was abroad, which is funny because I loved living abroad. But you know, making more money, that’s enticing. Good job, that’s enticing. It’s not true. It used to be, it definitely used to be. You could come here and make a ton of money, make a great life for yourself.

But the younger generation today, in this country — screwed. It’s literally all a lie that is sold to you. It’s such a struggle, and the older generation doesn’t seem to see how much of a struggle it is for the younger generation here.”

Woman Regrets Moving Back To The US For A Better Paying Job, Say The "American Dream" Is Dead - Jarastyle

Woman Regrets Moving Back To The US For A Better Paying Job, Say The "American Dream" Is Dead - Jarastyle

“So yes, what I thought would be a good decision of me moving back to make money and spring forward my career led me to being more poor, and I quit my career job because I was so burnt out. So now I’m doing a totally different job.

Needless to say, I will most likely be moving back to Europe where 20-plus days of paid vacation a year is literally the law and I will make less money, but somehow, you know, the cost of living is lower there and I can save more.”

Woman Regrets Moving Back To The US For A Better Paying Job, Say The "American Dream" Is Dead - JarastyleWoman Regrets Moving Back To The US For A Better Paying Job, Say The "American Dream" Is Dead - Jarastyle

“So don’t listen to people when they say that if you move, you’ll make less, you’ll have less money, and call you lazy because you want time off. Let me tell you, I was living life lavishly over there compared to here.”

Woman Regrets Moving Back To The US For A Better Paying Job, Say The "American Dream" Is Dead - JarastyleWoman Regrets Moving Back To The US For A Better Paying Job, Say The "American Dream" Is Dead - Jarastyle

See the Tiktok here:


popping off always #americanabroad #usavseurope #movingabroad #livingabroad #europevsamerica #fyp

♬ original sound – Kayleigh

Here’s what people had to say in the comments:

Woman Regrets Moving Back To The US For A Better Paying Job, Say The "American Dream" Is Dead - JarastyleWoman Regrets Moving Back To The US For A Better Paying Job, Say The "American Dream" Is Dead - Jarastyle

Woman Regrets Moving Back To The US For A Better Paying Job, Say The "American Dream" Is Dead - JarastyleWoman Regrets Moving Back To The US For A Better Paying Job, Say The "American Dream" Is Dead - Jarastyle

Woman Regrets Moving Back To The US For A Better Paying Job, Say The "American Dream" Is Dead - JarastyleWoman Regrets Moving Back To The US For A Better Paying Job, Say The "American Dream" Is Dead - Jarastyle

Woman Regrets Moving Back To The US For A Better Paying Job, Say The "American Dream" Is Dead - JarastyleWoman Regrets Moving Back To The US For A Better Paying Job, Say The "American Dream" Is Dead - Jarastyle

Woman Regrets Moving Back To The US For A Better Paying Job, Say The "American Dream" Is Dead - JarastyleWoman Regrets Moving Back To The US For A Better Paying Job, Say The "American Dream" Is Dead - Jarastyle

Woman Regrets Moving Back To The US For A Better Paying Job, Say The "American Dream" Is Dead - JarastyleWoman Regrets Moving Back To The US For A Better Paying Job, Say The "American Dream" Is Dead - Jarastyle

Woman Regrets Moving Back To The US For A Better Paying Job, Say The "American Dream" Is Dead - JarastyleWoman Regrets Moving Back To The US For A Better Paying Job, Say The "American Dream" Is Dead - Jarastyle

Woman Regrets Moving Back To The US For A Better Paying Job, Say The "American Dream" Is Dead - JarastyleWoman Regrets Moving Back To The US For A Better Paying Job, Say The "American Dream" Is Dead - Jarastyle

Woman Regrets Moving Back To The US For A Better Paying Job, Say The "American Dream" Is Dead - JarastyleWoman Regrets Moving Back To The US For A Better Paying Job, Say The "American Dream" Is Dead - Jarastyle

Woman Regrets Moving Back To The US For A Better Paying Job, Say The "American Dream" Is Dead - JarastyleWoman Regrets Moving Back To The US For A Better Paying Job, Say The "American Dream" Is Dead - Jarastyle

Woman Regrets Moving Back To The US For A Better Paying Job, Say The "American Dream" Is Dead - JarastyleWoman Regrets Moving Back To The US For A Better Paying Job, Say The "American Dream" Is Dead - Jarastyle

Woman Regrets Moving Back To The US For A Better Paying Job, Say The "American Dream" Is Dead - JarastyleWoman Regrets Moving Back To The US For A Better Paying Job, Say The "American Dream" Is Dead - Jarastyle

Woman Regrets Moving Back To The US For A Better Paying Job, Say The "American Dream" Is Dead - JarastyleWoman Regrets Moving Back To The US For A Better Paying Job, Say The "American Dream" Is Dead - Jarastyle

Woman Regrets Moving Back To The US For A Better Paying Job, Say The "American Dream" Is Dead - JarastyleWoman Regrets Moving Back To The US For A Better Paying Job, Say The "American Dream" Is Dead - Jarastyle

Woman Regrets Moving Back To The US For A Better Paying Job, Say The "American Dream" Is Dead - JarastyleWoman Regrets Moving Back To The US For A Better Paying Job, Say The "American Dream" Is Dead - Jarastyle

Woman Regrets Moving Back To The US For A Better Paying Job, Say The "American Dream" Is Dead - JarastyleWoman Regrets Moving Back To The US For A Better Paying Job, Say The "American Dream" Is Dead - Jarastyle

h/t: BoredPanda


Source link
Jarastyle – #Woman #Regrets #Moving #Paying #Job #American #Dream #Dead
Courtesy : https://pleated-jeans.com/2024/01/16/woman-regrets-moving-back-to-the-us-for-work/
