What’s Your “Never Again” Lipstick Color? – Jarastyle

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mac chromat shockvalue lipstick(I can’t even remember what this blue color is called, but I think it’s from MAC?)

You know I hate to say “never,” because you just never (ha, ha!) know. You never know when you’ll find a $100 bill in a grocery store parking lot, just like you’ll never know what you’ll be into next week, next month or next year, but if I were to choose a color of lipstick that I don’t think I should ever wear again…I’d have to go with blue.

It’s been “on trend” over the past few years to wear cray-cray Hunger Games lip colors, and blue, while I think it can look cool in pictures, looks ridiculous on me.

I’m not hip enough for blue.

I cringe just thinking about it…

Also, there was the frosty purplish gray lipstick I used to wear circa 1997. It was SO terrible! I wore it with dark plum — almost black — lip liner, which, of course, was unblended.

And we can’t forget the dab of clear gloss in the middle of the bottom lip.

OMG! It was fashionable at the time, but now I realize that it looked pretty terrible. I hope it never comes back in style, but if it does, I may try it just for kicks…

Nah. Nuh-uh. NOPE. Never again.

How about you? Do you have a “never again” lipstick color? Is it a dark brown from the ’90s? A bright Barbie pink? A pastel matte beige? Please do tell.

Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,



Source link
Jarastyle – #Whats #Lipstick #Color
Courtesy : https://makeupandbeautyblog.com/just-for-fun/whats-your-never-again-lipstick-color-2/
