What I Learned in My Time As a New York City Subway Rat | by Naomi C | May, 2023 – Jarastyle

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Photo by Chris Turgeon on Unsplash

I’ll admit it- my study abroad experience was unconventional. Technically, it wasn’t even abroad. Most people who study abroad go to explore a new city and experience the culture of a different country. But me? I shapeshifted into a rat (don’t ask how please) and went to live in New York City- or more specifically, under New York City. It was scary at first but ended up being one of the most valuable experiences of my life. I learned more than I ever thought I would, both about the world and myself. I can truly say I would not be the person I am today if I hadn’t taken the leap to live under America’s biggest city alongside the vermin.

This is what I learned from my semester as a New York City Subway Rat.

  1. Love Different Lifestyles

I think it goes without saying that rats and humans lead very different lifestyles. While we do have more in common than you might think—rats live in colonies just like humans live in cities—our respective day-to-day routines share very little. There are no jobs or income in the Rat World. Time is mostly spent burrowing and searching for food. There’s no talking in the rat world. Just squeaking and pheromones. And do not even get me started on their concept of a “family dinner.” Eating trash instead of the home-cooked meals I had become accustomed to was by far the most difficult adjustment I had to make. But in time, I learned to love this life. One can find treasure even in what seems to be garbage—it’s all about perspective. Plus the literal rat race is a lot less stressful than the constant metaphorical rat race of capitalism.

2. It’s Okay to Rely on Others

A lot of students gain a sense of independence from study abroad. My experience was the opposite. Rats are social creatures. I was never alone. Wherever I wandered, my rodent friends would wander with me. At first, I found this overwhelming. I was a little scared, but I quickly learned it was much easier to make friends and help each other out. There is nothing to learn from being a lone rat. I came to realize that if I wanted this new adventure to be worth anything, I would have to spend time with all the other Subway rats. This was especially important when it got cold. Rats don’t have central heating or blankets, so the only option for warmth at night was other rats. Time to get cuddling!

3. It’s Okay to Be Uncomfortable

Let’s be honest here: rats carry diseases. This evidence-backed scientific fact made me nervous. I have grown up hating diseases. Hatred, however, is not a productive emotion. I learned that instead of fighting this fear and animosity, I could grow and learn more from leaning into this discomfort. In the end, it not only made me stronger, but more open-minded. Just because I don’t understand E. coli, or the bubonic plague doesn’t mean I have to hate it. Coming out of this experience, I now feel prepared to enter any situation no matter how gross or uncomfortable. And by the way, carrying diseases is not the same as having them. I have honestly never felt healthier than I did as a tiny little rodent.

4. Rats Love Musical Theatre

New York City isn’t just a rat hub due to the convenience. These creatures flock to the city because they love a good Broadway musical! And what’s a better place to experience musicals than the Big Apple? And I must say- until you’ve seen the Phantom of the Opera through the eyes of a rodent, you haven’t seen it. (Avoid Cats however. Rats really hate that one.)

5. Rats Fuck. A lot.

Bunnies have a reputation for their consistent coitus, but they aren’t the only ones. Rats too have a constant need for fornication. Seriously. It’s kind of insane. Why do you think there’s so many of them? Because they fuck.

Was it easy being a rat? Nope. Was it fun? Not at all. Do I still, to this day, find myself waking up in the middle of the night, completely naked, digging through my kitchen trash for scraps? Of course. That’s all part of becoming an adult. In order to truly find yourself, you have to take risks. Don’t be scared. Be a rat.


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Courtesy : https://thebelladonnacomedy.com/what-i-learned-in-my-time-as-a-new-york-city-subway-rat-84404588a292?source=rss—-e9e22d25fb5e—4
