The Oral History of the Rubber Chicken in Comedy | by Susan Sassi | Jan, 2024 – Jarastyle

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21st-century Americans can scarcely imagine a time before the rubber chicken revolutionized comedy.

Susan SassiThe Belladonna ComedyPhoto by Nilo Velez from the WordPress Photo Directory.

RUBBER CHICKEN HISTORIAN: Here is what we know about the rubber chicken. It’s undeniably the most hilarious prop ever used in comedy.

RUBBER CHICKEN FAN: I’ve seen all the great prop comics. Shecky, Gallagher, Carrot Top… but the whole act I was like, when are they going to pull out the rubber chicken?!

RUBBER CHICKEN HISTORIAN: None could hold a candle to Chic McClurkin. Way before Fozzy Bear, he was the Miles Davis of Rubber Chicken Comedy.

RUBBER CHICKEN FAN: He called his Rubber Chicken John and used him as his sidekick comedy partner.

CHIC MCCLIRKIN SUPER FAN: This one bit still makes me laugh today. McClurkin sits next to John and offers him fried chicken. The look on John’s face… well you can’t teach that kind of comedy.

FOZZIE BEAR: Hey! Why did the chicken cross the… What do you mean I’m not here to tell jokes? Oh, you want to know about the rubber chicken. I wouldn’t recommend it. They are too chewy. Wakka wakka wakka.

Although the rubber chicken has come to be known as the highest art form, it wasn’t always so. Before rubber, people would have to use live chickens.

Commoners often faced inner turmoil over whether they should eat their chickens or use them to entertain dinner guests.

STANFORD PH.D. PROFESSOR: The thing you must realize is unless they were royalty, both food and entertainment were a luxury they couldn’t afford. People were literally starving while metaphorically starving for comedy.

PULITZER PRIZE-WINNING RUBBER CHICKEN HISTORIAN: In the 3rd Edition of Secret History of the Rubber Chicken, we learn in the 1900s, comedians started using all kinds of meat props, not just chickens, to mock the gluttony of the upper class.

RUBBER CHICKEN CONFERENCE FOUNDER: Pig bladders were very popular. But even then, the comedians knew that no other animal could make people guffaw like the chicken.


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