The biggest revelations from a new documentary about the Princess of Pop | Gallery – Jarastyle Teen’s

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5:20pm PDT, May 16, 2023

On her alleged excessive caffeine consumption:

In “TMZ Investigates: Britney Spears: The Price of Freedom,” which debuted on FOX in May 2023, TMZ founder Harvey Levin said multiple sources shared that the pop star “drinks coffee, Red Bull, Celsius and dandelion tea by the gallons, and that contributes to her manic episodes.” 

Days before the doc aired, following the release of teasers, Britney weighed in on her caffeine consumption. “My mind gets busy and sometimes that can be an easy target to mess with …. Anyways, I’m sticking to watermelon juice, which is the weirdest thing ever but I was told for years I can’t have coffee and now that I can it’s my pride … I can’t even look at it !!! And green tea is my prized possession !!!” she wrote on Instagram on May 11, adding, “Sorry but I never stay up late with Red Bull !!! It is absolutely the worst drink ever … I make jewelry, candles and doll clothes for my friend’s daughter … I don’t like people in media bullying me and saying hateful things…”

MORE: Details on Britney Spears’ new “mental illness and substance abuse” crisis, canceled intervention: Reports

On her “binge” sleeping:

On the flip side, though Britney consumes a lot of caffeine, according to “TMZ Investigates: Britney Spears: The Price of Freedom,” she also “sleeps a lot,” said TMZ managing editor Fabian Garcia, citing a source who called the singer a “binge sleeper.” In fact, he added, “Sometimes she’ll sleep for days. … She’ll sleep for three days, and then she won’t sleep at all for the next few.” But when Britney is awake, she “loves books” and “reads a lot, mostly fiction.” 

MORE: Britney Spears’ exes: Where are they now?

On her lonely life, daily activities:

Britney Spears lives her life largely alone, the documentary “TMZ Investigates: Britney Spears: The Price of Freedom” claimed. TMZ executive producer Charles Latibeaudiere alleged that the singer spends most of her time “at home by herself” and “lives in virtual isolation.” Added TMZ news director Brad Appleton, “Sometimes she’ll drive to a quiet dirt path, park and just kind of meditate.” The documentary, Page Six reported, further claimed that Britney often spends her days and nights “driving aimlessly” around her Los Angeles neighborhood as well as “hang[ing] out at her pool because she loves to tan,” said TMZ producer Katie Hayes. “She works out in her gym, and she dances wildly and a lot” — activities she’s long highlighted on Instagram.

MORE: Britney Spears’ best looks of all time

On her alleged “fascination with knives”:

In the documentary “TMZ Investigates: Britney Spears: The Price of Freedom,” as reported by Page Six, TMZ founder Harvey Levin said that one “recommendation at the end of the conservatorship” was to “keep knives away from Britney.” Multiple sources told TMZ that Britney has a “fascination with knives.”

Harvey further said that TMZ was told Britney lives “in mortal fear someone will come in the middle of the night, strap her to a gurney and take her to a psych ward.” The doc reported that “she lives in constant fear of being reinstitutionalized.”

On her sons:

Britney Spears has not seen the teenaged sons she shares with ex-husband Kevin Federline — Sean Preston and Jayden James — “in well over a year,” TMZ producer Katie Hayes said in “TMZ Investigates: Britney Spears: The Price of Freedom,” which aired in May 2023. According to TMZ, as reported by Page Six, the last time Britney saw her children was “at the very beginning of 2022.” However, TMZ executive producer Charles Latibeaudiere shared, “Our sources say recently, there have been occasional texts between Britney and the kids. So maybe the ice is thawing a bit.”

The morning after the doc aired, TMZ’s website reported that Britney’s boys are hoping to move to Hawaii in the summer of 2023 with their father and stepmother, Victoria Prince — who has a job offer from a university in the Aloha state — citing “sources with direct knowledge” of their plans. According to TMZ, K-Fed’s attorney, Mark Vincent Kaplan, sent a letter to Britney’s lawyer, Mathew Rosengart, asking if the singer would approve the move. If Britney objects, the webloid reported, it could end up in front of a judge. Jayden, 16, reportedly intends to continue taking his high school classes remotely once in Hawaii. Sean Preston, 17, will have just graduated from high school, and his plans are unclear, TMZ reported.

On her marriage to Sam:

The TMZ documentary, which aired a month before Britney Spears and Sam Asghari were set to celebrate their one-year wedding anniversary, included claims from founder Harvey Levin that their “volatile … marriage is on the rocks.” The documentary alleged that the singer had gotten “physical with Sam,” who’s an actor and fitness model, on “more than one” occasion.

TMZ managing editor Fabian Garcia added that Sam is “a big guy and we’re told pretty passive, so he just takes it, so he does get angry, and screaming matches are not infrequent.” As reported by Page Six, TMZ executive producer Charles Latibeaudiere alleged in the doc that Sam “doesn’t stay at [Britney’s] home much these days.”

Keep reading to see what Sam had to say…

Sam stands up for his wife:

Britney Spears’ husband, Sam Asghari, shared his thoughts on his Instagram Story the night before TMZ’s documentary aired following days of promotion teasing its contents. “I found it absolutely disgusting for the people who were in her life when she didn’t have a voice, they went and told her story like it was theirs,” he began, as reported by Page Six, adding, “It was absolutely disgusting.”

Speaking about how she was treated while under conservatorship, he said, “How are you going to take the most influential person of her generation, the Princess of Pop, America’s sweetheart, and put her in prison where her father [Jamie Spears] tells her what to do, what water to drink, who to see and use her as a money-making machine?”

Sam continued, “All of a sudden — after 15 years when she’s free after all those gaslighting, all those things that went down — now you’re going to put her under a microscope and tell her story?” he said, adding, “No, no, that’s also disgusting, so don’t do that, and don’t believe what you read online. Ninety-nine percent of the time those are all clickbait [stories] for you to click and for them to make money, and that time is over.” Sam ended his video post saying that the “gaslighting and s***” has to stop.


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