Sundays With Tabs the Cat, Makeup and Beauty Blog Mascot, Vol. 788 – Jarastyle

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Sundays With Tabs the Cat, Makeup and Beauty Blog Mascot, Vol. 788 - Jarastyle

During the first prototype test of the new office Christmas lights at company HQ this weekend, catastrophe struck!

Sundays With Tabs the Cat, Makeup and Beauty Blog Mascot, Vol. 788 - Jarastyle

Harris, the former neighborhood cat nemesis of Tabs (and Rosie’s current feline foil), broke into the control room and sabotaged the WiFi router.

Sundays With Tabs the Cat, Makeup and Beauty Blog Mascot, Vol. 788 - Jarastyle

Sundays With Tabs the Cat, Makeup and Beauty Blog Mascot, Vol. 788 - Jarastyle

Sundays With Tabs the Cat, Makeup and Beauty Blog Mascot, Vol. 788 - Jarastyle

It caused crazy illuminated mayhem!

Sundays With Tabs the Cat, Makeup and Beauty Blog Mascot, Vol. 788 - Jarastyle

Rosie was not amused…

Sundays With Tabs the Cat, Makeup and Beauty Blog Mascot, Vol. 788 - Jarastyle

But she put her displeasure aside and fixed the WiFi in time for tonight’s test.

Sundays With Tabs the Cat, Makeup and Beauty Blog Mascot, Vol. 788 - Jarastyle

So far, it looks like a success. 🙂

Sundays With Tabs the Cat, Makeup and Beauty Blog Mascot, Vol. 788 - Jarastyle

Sundays With Tabs the Cat, Makeup and Beauty Blog Mascot, Vol. 788 - Jarastyle

Sundays With Tabs the Cat, Makeup and Beauty Blog Mascot, Vol. 788 - Jarastyle

Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,



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