Spotting “Singles” in Their Natural Habitat: A Tour for Couples | by Viktoria Shulevich | Feb, 2024 – Jarastyle

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Singles are unpartnered creatures often encountered in the wild but rarely approached.

Viktoria ShulevichThe Belladonna Comedy

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels

Sin·gles /ˈsiNGɡ(ə)ls/

noun: Single; plural noun: Singles

  1. Singles are unpartnered creatures often encountered in the wild but rarely approached. While considered dangerous in many cultures, their perceived threat is unfounded. They come in a variety of shapes, sizes, genders, ethnicities, and socioeconomic backgrounds but what they all have in common is their unmatched ability to fend for themselves. Surprisingly, they make up 46% of the US population, but that fact is often ignored due to their nonconforming, less-than-desirable status.
  2. Primates
  3. Third wheels
  4. See also Singles Awareness Day (S.A.D.) an unsanctioned holiday held on February 15th.


Thank you for choosing our company for your “Spotting Singles in the Wild” adventure! This self-guided tour will give you an intimate look at Singles in their natural habitat. You won’t soon forget all the sights, the smells and the sounds.

While you may think that Singles are rare in your culture, they are actually quite common across the globe. You just have to know how to spot them. Below, you will find helpful tips to make the most of this once-in-a-lifetime experience.

How to identify a Single: Although the nomenclature suggests that Singles are always alone, this is a common misconception. While some Singles may choose to spend their free time alone–thinking, reading, making art, writing (ie. introverts)–others are social creatures with a penchant for joining clubs (of physical and sedentary nature), taking classes, traveling, volunteering, jumping out of airplanes for no reason or sleeping in till noon. A particular type of a Single can also be found doing improv.

When and where to spot a Single. The best times to spot a Single are evenings and weekends when Singles are the most active. Unlike coupled primates, Singles are nocturnal creatures who slump during the day but venture out at night. Of course, there is the rare diurnal Single, also known as a…


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