So How Was Everyone’s May Day? Also, A Content Call | by Emily Kapp | May, 2023 – Jarastyle

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What did you do for May Day?

Emily KappThe Belladonna ComedyLogo designed by Marlowe Dobb

Alas, another May Day has come and gone. Really makes you think! We spend so much time and energy leading up to the big day, making plans and doing all the shopping, googling yet again what May Day is — and poof! Suddenly it’s over and we’re looking ahead to next May Day. Time is a fickle thing, isn’t it?

Anyway, if May makes you think of spring weather but you live in a place that’s still only 40 degrees out, like where this writer is located — we’ve got something that will hopefully lift your spirits! A content call for the month of May, to get those creative juices flowing:

  1. Spring weather — ongoing
  2. Twilight Zone Day — May 11
  3. Katharine Hepburn’s Birthday — May 12
  4. Frog Jumping Day — May 13
  5. Mother’s Day — May 14
  6. Dance Like a Chicken Day — May 14
  7. International Museum Day — May 18
  8. Tina Fey’s Birthday — May 18
  9. Pick Strawberries Day — May 20
  10. National Waiters and Waitresses Day — May 21
  11. Tap Dance Day — May 25
  12. Helena Bonham Carter’s Birthday — May 26
  13. Stevie Nicks’ Birthday — May 26
  14. Sunscreen Day — May 27
  15. Memorial Day — May 29
  16. International Jazz Day — May 30

Do I have small bloody holes where hair used to be? Maybe.

ROSS: Rach…are you talking about an aBORtion?

This recipe is perfect for any occasion, as long as that occasion includes a minimum of four hours prep time.

C-H-I-L-D-C-A-R-E depends on you and so does the S-T-A-T-E.

Ainsley and Noah’s Live from the LR is a sonic ambush that redefines house folk.

Cartoon by Ellen Liebenthal.

When we said we were looking for a Swift scholar, we assumed it was self-evident that we were referring to a scholar of the works of the Anglo-Irish, eighteenth-century satirist Jonathan Swift.

This was a great Light. God called this Light Clarendon. And God saw that it was good.

Go check the mirror. The circles under your eyes will be gone; they will have mosied on down to the chin area, where it’s safer.

Because of women, Tupperware is teetering on the brink of extinction.

I definitely wasn’t wide awake all night running through the to-do lists in my head.

Cartoon by Ellen Liebenthal

The electric Tesla Hostility culls the poor and guarantees the rich survive!

Erotica for hetero moms

We have a few caveats.

Wondering if your terrible pelvic pain could be a medical condition or something demonic? Take this quiz to find out!

I’m not god, but I’m doing the lord’s work

A cartoon by Ellen Liebenthal


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