Small Things That Bring Me Joy (Makeup and Otherwise) – Jarastyle

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Small Things That Bring Me Joy (Makeup and Otherwise) - JarastyleChanel Summer 2023

1.The travel-size Chanel summer collection

I’m excited about this launch! I feel like this is the collection Chanel fans (especially the ones like me, who adore the summer launches) always wanted but didn’t know they needed. It’s chic and portable, with just enough coverage and color for beautiful summer skin, eyes, cheeks and lips.

It launches in June, and includes cute travel versions of the Bronzing Cream (Tan, Tan Medium and Tan Deep Bronze), Water-Fresh Tint (in 8 shades from Light to Deep Plus) and Illuminating Oil.

There’s also two Rouge Coco Flash lipsticks (pink beige Destination and sienna red Escapade), two metallic liquid shadows (ivory beige Rayon and peachy pink Quartz Rose) and two Rouge Coco Baume sheer lip balms ( Pink Delight and brownish mauve Sweet Treat). These appear to all be in the regular size, not minis, by the way.

Small Things That Bring Me Joy (Makeup and Otherwise) - JarastyleYES!!!

I’m especially excited about the cream bronzer because it was a go-to staple for me back in the day! A smaller version sounds purr-fect.

2. When exercise feels fun

I stumbled upon this fun walking workout with ’80s music this morning!

I was feeling tired and not in the mood at all to do burpees or mountain climbers, and it was exactly what I needed to get my body moving.

I have this idea in my head from years of running and doing HIIT that exercise always means one has be a little miserable in order to get the endorphins at the end, but I know now that that’s simply not true. Not all exercise needs to feel like punishment, LOL! Sometimes it’s just fun to get moving.

So, lately, I’ve been trying to incorporate more joyful movement (aka exercise that doesn’t feel like exercise) throughout my day.

One thing I love – short 8-minute walks. Why 8 minutes? Well, 10 minutes sometimes feel like too much of a commitment, and 5 minutes doesn’t feel like it’s enough. For some reason 8 is a good number for me, and if I do it three times before noon, that’s 24 extra minutes of movement.

3. These tiny lil’ lemon bars from Trader Joe’s

I bought a box of these years ago and for whatever reason wasn’t into them, but I recently picked one up on a whim, and it certainly hit the spot.

Small Things That Bring Me Joy (Makeup and Otherwise) - JarastyleI totally just ate this. BTW, the nail polish is Chanel 141 Oiseu De Nuit!

Maybe they tweaked the recipe? Who knows. Whatever they did, they’re now perfection.

The custard is tangy, not overly sweet, with a chewy (but not too chewy) texture. The shortbread on the bottom is also present but doesn’t take over. If you’re in the mood for a lemon bar but don’t want to make them, these hit the spot. You can find them in the frozen section by the ice cream. 🙂

Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,



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