Saturday Surfing, May 27, 2023! – Jarastyle

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Saturday Surfing, May 27, 2023! - JarastyleKeep on smiling

Hi, friend! Happy Saturday. How are you feeling today? I’m in the mood to get some stuff done.

I’ll be puttering around the house and running errands in town, so I’m going to put on some blush, brow pencil and mascara. Maybe a lil’ gloss because why not?

A little bit of makeup puts that extra pep in my step and helps me fight the urge to couch potato the day away, and if I’m going to be doing household Cinderella chores (I swear, the laundry never ends), I might as well feel cute.

Sending good vibes your way on this beautiful day! What are you looking forward to this weekend?

This week’s reading

Tea sandwiches, all day, every day

I’m totally going to watch this

Goodness, this looks like it would feel good as you’re grooving along to it

Looks like I’m headed to the drugstore

Feel free to pass this on to your friends who have eczema

Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,



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Jarastyle – #Saturday #Surfing
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