Saturday Surfing, April 15, 2023! – Jarastyle

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Saturday Surfing, April 15, 2023! - Jarastyle

Happy Saturday! My friend, I don’t know why I have to keep learning this lesson over and over again, but dang, rest is your BFF. Even just a little goes a long way. It truly is the best medicine.

A little backstory. I’ve been working non-stop since I started a new job a while back (including evenings and weekends), and between that gig and a few other writing projects, I’ve been spending a lot of time staring at my screen. I’m happy to be busy, but it’s wearing me down a little.

To help me recover, I took the week off to spend spring break with Connor, and oh gosh, it was just what I needed.

We really didn’t do anything too fancy or elaborate but we still had fun! She just turned seven, so it’s easy to keep her occupied and happy at this age. She had a couple playdates, we went to tea, enjoyed a ladies’ lunch with her Auntie Marisol and visited the beach. Oh, we also got her first library card, which was very exciting, indeed.

I let check out as many books as she wanted, and I checked out a few things for myself, too, including a Downton Abbey cookbook which I picked up on a whim. It’s one of my favorite shows! While I have no plans to make steak and kidney pudding or deviled kidneys, I think it’s fun to look at the pictures and read the backstory behind the recipes.

Saturday Surfing, April 15, 2023! - Jarastyle

Saturday Surfing, April 15, 2023! - Jarastyle

Saturday Surfing, April 15, 2023! - Jarastyle

The library had a lot of new fiction on the shelf, so I grabbed a couple books by new-to-me authors. I just started “Black Candle Women” by Diane Marie Brown and am so far enjoying it. It’s about a family of women who practice voodoo and are dealing with a curse.

Saturday Surfing, April 15, 2023! - Jarastyle

Saturday Surfing, April 15, 2023! - Jarastyle

This week’s beauty reading

Who else is excited to watch a sunscreen recommendation video?

This is SO colorful and beautiful!

Food for thought.

I kind of love this!

Let me know if you’re gonna do this with me!

I’m feeling lots of light and love in my heart today, and I’m hoping joy comes your way, too.

Have a great rest of your weekend!

Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,



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