New Industry Research Shows That TikTok’s Engagement Rate Is Decreasing – Jarastyle Teen’s

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There’s no denying that 2022 was all about TikTok. But, with social media constantly changing it’s hard to predict if the popular platform will remain in the top spot this year. 

The only way of telling whether or not the platform’s usage is dwindling is by studying the data, and Socialinsider did just that. The company analyzed over 190 million social media posts to garner a better understanding of what future social media trends will be. 

If you’re an influencer who’s still unsure what platforms you should be focusing on then you’re in the right place. In this article, we’re going to break down the results of the SociaiInsider’s survey to get a better idea of where you should be directing your energy.

Let’s take a look!

New Industry Research Shows That TikTok's Engagement Rate Is Decreasing - Jarastyle Teen's

Who Conducted the Survey?

The “Social Media Industry Benchmarks 2023 Reveal How TikTok’s Engagement Rate Is Decreasing”  was conducted by Socialinsider a competitive social media analytics tool that offers its users a birds-eye-view into the social media strategy that their competitors are using for platforms such as Instagram, Youtube, Facebook, and Twitter.

New Industry Research Shows That TikTok's Engagement Rate Is Decreasing - Jarastyle Teen's

It should come as no surprise that the company conducted this study, seeing as they have access to tools that allow them to study large amounts of social data.

Survey Methodology

The survey data was collected over the span of a year – 2022 to be exact. Once collected it was categorized into different profiles depending on the industry in which the company’s activity was based. 

Socialinsider defines social media engagement as interactions on Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and Twitter. Their definition includes reactions, shares, and comments. 

They calculated the Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, and Instagram engagement rate per post by calculating the sum of comments, shares, and reactions on a specific post and then dividing the figure by the number of followers. The result was then multiplied by 100, delivering an accurate rate of engagement.

Key Takeaways

TikTok took center stage throughout 2022 and fast became the most popular social media platform. But, Socialinsider’s study suggests that this may no longer be the case.

And with over 190 million media posts from a wide range of platforms taken under analysis during the study in order to get a better understanding of the upcoming trends, it’s pretty clear that the results should definitely be taken into consideration.

New Industry Research Shows That TikTok's Engagement Rate Is Decreasing - Jarastyle Teen's

New Industry Research Shows That TikTok's Engagement Rate Is Decreasing - Jarastyle Teen's

New Industry Research Shows That TikTok's Engagement Rate Is Decreasing - Jarastyle Teen's

Some of the key insights that the report highlighted are:

  • TikTok’s engagement rate is in a year-on-year decline, with a projected decrease of 28% for this year.
  • Instagram observed a decline in engagement rate of 0.6% albeit a lot less than TikTok. Nevertheless, Instagram’s saving grace is its Reel feature which produces double the amount of engagement to all other formats the platform offers.
  • The study found that Facebook’s engagement rate was 0.15%.
  • Twitter came in last place with an average rate of engagement of 0.05%.

At the time of the study, Tiktok had an average rate of engagement of 4.24% making it the most engaging platform, closely followed by IG which faced an impressive decline in engagement after the launch of TikTok – a key competitor. 

New Industry Research Shows That TikTok's Engagement Rate Is Decreasing - Jarastyle Teen's

The research also looked at what platforms worked best for different industries:

  • TikTok’s most engaging industry was beverages, with a rate of engagement of 7.69%.
  • On Instagram, the most popular business niche was food, with a rate of engagement of 0.96%. But, other sectors such as arts, crafts, beverages, airlines, alcohol, and travel still deliver good results with positive engagement scores. 
  • When it comes to Facebook, the study found that two industries – the food and beverage sectors – received above the platform’s average rate of engagement
  • Socialinsider found that the niches that received good engagement on Twitter were the food, jewelry, and arts & crafts verticals that drum up an engagement rate of 0.10% which is double the platform’s overall average.

Ultimately, the growth in popularity and mass adoption of TikTok is clear. For this reason, the platform remains in first place when it comes to overall engagement, yet its decline is one of the worst when compared to other apps. Time will tell whether the company will be able to adapt enough to either stop or slow the year-on-year decline. 

What Does This Mean for Influencers And Content Creators?

When you take the study results and look at the bigger picture, it’s clear to see that the landscape of social media is evolving at a rapid pace. 

There’s a clear winner when it comes to the content format that’s delivering the best results. And it’s probably not a surprise but that format is short-form video content. Creators who are focusing their efforts on TikTok and Instagram reels reaping the rewards. 

Socialinsider’s study also included important expert opinions on the upcoming best practices for each social platform.

  1. TikTok best practices:
  • Repurposing content that doesn’t correctly make sense or fit within the culture and trends of the platform is a mistake and will ultimately receive less engagement. 
  • Leveraging trending news is a great way to provide value to an audience while producing something that has a high chance of virality.
  • Influencers and content creators should leverage the booming need for UGC.
  1. Instagram best practices:
  • Implement all content formats into your social strategy: reels, carousels, stories, and static posts. 
  • Post a minimum of one type of content format each week.
  • Focus extra energy on the type of format that’s delivering the best results. 
  • There’s no cap on stories. According to experts, the more stories you share the better the results will be. 
  1. Facebook best practices:
  • Short-form video content is delivering the best results on the platform.
  • Quality over quantity is important. 
  • According to experts, it’s important to focus on community building and offering audiences a more personalized approach.
  1. Twitter best practice:
  • Madalyn Sklar, a Twitter expert suggested that leveraging spaces to engage with audiences is key. 

Link to the Report

The “Social Media Industry Benchmarks 2023 Reveal How TikTok’s Engagement Rate Is Decreasing” by Socialinsider can be found on their website, along with other interesting studies, research reports, and blogs that share interesting insight into upcoming social media trends, data, platform-specific news, and strategies.


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