Millennials Are Reacting Hilariously To Boomers Who Think “Netflix And Takeout” Are The Reasons Millennials Can’t Afford Homes (25 Tweets) – Jarastyle

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Boomers are always coming up with absurd advice for millennials who may never be able to afford a home. It started with things like “they’re lazy” or “stop going to brunch and paying for avocado toast.”

The Times recently published an article about how some baby boomers actually think that Netflix subscriptions and ordering takeout are what’s keeping millennials from affording a home. I’m sure that’s it since we all definitely pay for our own personal Netflix accounts.

Millennials Are Reacting Hilariously To Boomers Who Think “Netflix And Takeout” Are The Reasons Millennials Can’t Afford Homes (25 Tweets) - Jarastyle


1. Millennial Twitter had some thoughts on the subject and didn’t hold back in their response.

Millennials Are Reacting Hilariously To Boomers Who Think “Netflix And Takeout” Are The Reasons Millennials Can’t Afford Homes (25 Tweets) - Jarastyle


Millennials Are Reacting Hilariously To Boomers Who Think “Netflix And Takeout” Are The Reasons Millennials Can’t Afford Homes (25 Tweets) - Jarastyle


Millennials Are Reacting Hilariously To Boomers Who Think “Netflix And Takeout” Are The Reasons Millennials Can’t Afford Homes (25 Tweets) - Jarastyle


Millennials Are Reacting Hilariously To Boomers Who Think “Netflix And Takeout” Are The Reasons Millennials Can’t Afford Homes (25 Tweets) - Jarastyle


Millennials Are Reacting Hilariously To Boomers Who Think “Netflix And Takeout” Are The Reasons Millennials Can’t Afford Homes (25 Tweets) - Jarastyle


Millennials Are Reacting Hilariously To Boomers Who Think “Netflix And Takeout” Are The Reasons Millennials Can’t Afford Homes (25 Tweets) - Jarastyle


Millennials Are Reacting Hilariously To Boomers Who Think “Netflix And Takeout” Are The Reasons Millennials Can’t Afford Homes (25 Tweets) - Jarastyle


Millennials Are Reacting Hilariously To Boomers Who Think “Netflix And Takeout” Are The Reasons Millennials Can’t Afford Homes (25 Tweets) - Jarastyle


Millennials Are Reacting Hilariously To Boomers Who Think “Netflix And Takeout” Are The Reasons Millennials Can’t Afford Homes (25 Tweets) - Jarastyle


Millennials Are Reacting Hilariously To Boomers Who Think “Netflix And Takeout” Are The Reasons Millennials Can’t Afford Homes (25 Tweets) - Jarastyle


Millennials Are Reacting Hilariously To Boomers Who Think “Netflix And Takeout” Are The Reasons Millennials Can’t Afford Homes (25 Tweets) - Jarastyle


Millennials Are Reacting Hilariously To Boomers Who Think “Netflix And Takeout” Are The Reasons Millennials Can’t Afford Homes (25 Tweets) - Jarastyle


Millennials Are Reacting Hilariously To Boomers Who Think “Netflix And Takeout” Are The Reasons Millennials Can’t Afford Homes (25 Tweets) - Jarastyle


Millennials Are Reacting Hilariously To Boomers Who Think “Netflix And Takeout” Are The Reasons Millennials Can’t Afford Homes (25 Tweets) - Jarastyle


Millennials Are Reacting Hilariously To Boomers Who Think “Netflix And Takeout” Are The Reasons Millennials Can’t Afford Homes (25 Tweets) - Jarastyle


Millennials Are Reacting Hilariously To Boomers Who Think “Netflix And Takeout” Are The Reasons Millennials Can’t Afford Homes (25 Tweets) - Jarastyle


Millennials Are Reacting Hilariously To Boomers Who Think “Netflix And Takeout” Are The Reasons Millennials Can’t Afford Homes (25 Tweets) - Jarastyle


Millennials Are Reacting Hilariously To Boomers Who Think “Netflix And Takeout” Are The Reasons Millennials Can’t Afford Homes (25 Tweets) - Jarastyle


Millennials Are Reacting Hilariously To Boomers Who Think “Netflix And Takeout” Are The Reasons Millennials Can’t Afford Homes (25 Tweets) - Jarastyle


Millennials Are Reacting Hilariously To Boomers Who Think “Netflix And Takeout” Are The Reasons Millennials Can’t Afford Homes (25 Tweets) - Jarastyle


Millennials Are Reacting Hilariously To Boomers Who Think “Netflix And Takeout” Are The Reasons Millennials Can’t Afford Homes (25 Tweets) - Jarastyle


Millennials Are Reacting Hilariously To Boomers Who Think “Netflix And Takeout” Are The Reasons Millennials Can’t Afford Homes (25 Tweets) - Jarastyle


Millennials Are Reacting Hilariously To Boomers Who Think “Netflix And Takeout” Are The Reasons Millennials Can’t Afford Homes (25 Tweets) - Jarastyle


Millennials Are Reacting Hilariously To Boomers Who Think “Netflix And Takeout” Are The Reasons Millennials Can’t Afford Homes (25 Tweets) - Jarastyle


Millennials Are Reacting Hilariously To Boomers Who Think “Netflix And Takeout” Are The Reasons Millennials Can’t Afford Homes (25 Tweets) - Jarastyle


Millennials Are Reacting Hilariously To Boomers Who Think “Netflix And Takeout” Are The Reasons Millennials Can’t Afford Homes (25 Tweets) - Jarastyle


Millennials Are Reacting Hilariously To Boomers Who Think “Netflix And Takeout” Are The Reasons Millennials Can’t Afford Homes (25 Tweets) - Jarastyle


Millennials Are Reacting Hilariously To Boomers Who Think “Netflix And Takeout” Are The Reasons Millennials Can’t Afford Homes (25 Tweets) - Jarastyle


Millennials Are Reacting Hilariously To Boomers Who Think “Netflix And Takeout” Are The Reasons Millennials Can’t Afford Homes (25 Tweets) - Jarastyle


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