Makeup and Beauty Blog Monday Poll, Vol. 780 – Jarastyle

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you deserve to be happy doughnutsHappy Monday, friend!

So…what is the Monday Poll?

Excellent question! It isn’t, contrary to its name, an actual poll, like with little clicky buttons. It’s just a list of more or less random questions I’ve been posting on this blog every Monday morning for the past quadrillion years (since 2007).

1. Something beauty related that you’re excited about at the moment?

Chanel has some new long-wearing nail polishes that I’m stoked about! I’m thinking I need to get the pale yellow, blue and green into my life ASAP.

2. Something that isn’t related to beauty that you’re excited about?

I finally bought a new car to replace my much-loved ’99 Toyota 4Runner. I was surprised to see how emotional it was to say goodbye to her; I actually cried! I’m relieved to be driving something that was made in this century, though.

3. Lemonade or ice tea?

Both! Put ’em both in a tall glass with some ice, and I’m a happy girl.

4. Cropped pants: yes or no?

I used to think yes until I saw a recent picture of me in a pair, OMG! Gonna go with no on this one from this point out.

5. Expensive skin care brands that never let you down?

Skinceuticals and Kate Somerville will always have my heart.

6. A drugstore skin care product that you buy over and over again?

The unscented Aveeno body wash and lotion, always and forever. They don’t give me a headache when I’m migraine-y, and I know I can use both without having to worry about an unexpected allergic reaction.

7. What’s for dinner tonight?

I think I’m gonna do breakfast for dinner. Maybe pancakes.

8. What do you think of Bath & Body Works lotion and body spray scents?

When I’m in the mood (aka not having a monster migraine), I like them. I usually reserve the lotions for summer, though, because they don’t typically have enough oomph for my dry winter skin.

How’s your Monday so far, friend? I hope everything is going your way. Smooth sailing from here on out, OK?

Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,


P.S. Here are the questions to copy/paste with your answers in a comment. Talk to ya soon.

1. Something beauty related that you’re excited about at the moment?
2. Something that isn’t related to beauty that you’re excited about?
3. Lemonade or ice tea?
4. Cropped pants: yes or no?
5. Expensive skin care brands that never let you down?
6. A drugstore skin care product that you buy over and over again?
7. What’s for dinner tonight?
8. What do you think of Bath & Body Works lotion and body spray scents?


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