Makeup and Beauty Blog Monday Poll, Vol. 777 – Jarastyle

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Makeup and Beauty Blog Monday Poll, Vol. 777 - Jarastyle

So…what is the Monday Poll?

Excellent question! It isn’t, contrary to its name, an actual poll, like with little clicky buttons. It’s just a list of more or less random questions I’ve been posting on this blog every Monday morning for the past quadrillion years (since 2007).

1. Wild or sleek hair today?

Sleek, please. It’s windy in my neighborhood today, and windy weather plus wild hair equals mayhem.

2. Which would you rather: more steps in your skin care or less?

My skin seems to do better the less I fuss with it, so less steps – like 3 or 4, max.

3. Something nice that happened to you recently?

I spent all day yesterday reading! It was glorious.

4. Last time you were on crutches?

Back in eighth grade — approximately one million years ago. LOL! I sprained my ankle doing sprints in track and hobbled around for a month.

5. A tea you like?

Darjeeling, with cream and a little sugar.

6. A place you like to go when you need a reset?

The beach. There’s something about the steady sound of waves lapping the shore and the feeling of sand between my toes that just feels right.

7. What would you rather have: a personal chef or house cleaning team?

I’d go with the personal chef because I find cooking tedious. (Baking is another story.) I’ve also hired house cleaners a couple times, and while it was very helpful, I’m picky about how things are done. I’d just rather do it myself.

8. Board games or video games?

Board games.

9. Do you have a dermatologist?

No, but I would love one!

10. Something you’d like to do but keep putting off?

Um, finding a dermatologist?

Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,


P.S. Here are the questions to copy/paste with your answers in a comment. Talk to ya soon.

1. Wild or sleek hair today?
2. Which would you rather: more steps in your skin care or less?
3. Something nice that happened to you recently?
4. Last time you were on crutches?
5. A tea you like?
6. A place you like to go when you need a reset?
7. What would you rather have: a personal chef or house cleaning team?
8. Board games or video games?
9. Do you have a dermatologist?
10. Something you’d like to do but keep putting off?

P.P.S. Happy Monday, sweet friend. I hope your Monday has been smooth sailing so far.

I’ve been thinking a lot about taking small steps lately. I easily get overwhelmed by big projects, and sometimes when I see all the parts and steps that need to get done, I kinda short circuit and end up not doing anything.

I have to constantly remind myself that even a small step is still a step. 🙂

It’s a good reminder, right? I tell myself this when I feel like there’s too many things and not enough me to go around.

Take care of yourself today and have a most excellent week ahead!


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