Make Your Life Count ⋆ The Teenager Today – Jarastyle Teen’s

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Girl with backpack with arms outstretched looking at mountains in distanceImage by jcomp on Freepik

Life is not going to last forever. You must learn to live and appreciate life with passion. In life, all you can do is do your best. Life is not about counting the years, but making the years count. Life may not move as you thought or planned, but as long as you are doing your best, the rest will be fine. Trust the power in you instead of worrying about circumstances. Do your best, trust the rest to God, and hope for splendid things to come. Make the time you have count right now. God created you to make an impact here on earth.

You will never make your life count until you make your day count. You will never make your day count until you make every hour count. You will never make every hour count until you make every moment count. You will never make every moment count until you make your actions count. You will never make your actions count until you make your words count. You will never make your words count until you make your thoughts count.

The roads to success and failure are never mistake-free. Your choice matters. Work towards realising your dreams. Here are some actions you can implement every day to get the desired outcome:

Live and Let Live

Diversity is there in all elements and it adjoins the beauty of nature. Live your own way and let others live their own; this is the rule of respectable living. “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you,” said Jesus. You can lead a level-headed and undisturbed life if you “live and let live”. This is what great men like the Buddha and Guru Nanak taught us.

Cover of the July 2023 issue of The Teenager Today featuring International Tigers Day.

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