LinkedIn Ventures Into Short-Form Video Territory, App Tests TikTok-Esque Feed – Jarastyle Teen’s

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LinkedIn confirms it is testing a new TikTok-like vertical video feed within its professional networking app. The short-form video feed represents LinkedIn’s latest effort into making videos a core part of the platform’s experience, the company has told TechCrunch.

Austin Null, a Strategy Director at influencer agency McKinney, was the first to spot the new feature. In a demo, he highlighted the feed, which is accessible through a “Video” tab on the platform’s navigation bar. Users can vertically swipe through bite-sized videos, as well as like, comment, and share the content.

LinkedIn states the test aims to boost engagement and discovery around videos, which have become a preferred format for users to learn from industry professionals and experts. The company did not provide details on what factors determine the feed’s personalized video lineup for each user.

The vertical video feed mirrors similar offerings from Instagram, YouTube, Snapchat, Netflix, and other apps looking to capitalize on TikTok’s popularization of short-form video content. However, LinkedIn’s feed maintains its professional focus, displaying videos centered around careers and the workplace rather than entertainment or lifestyle topics.

While users have long had the ability to natively upload videos to the LinkedIn platform, the new dedicated feed presents the content in a streamlined, full-screen viewing experience akin to TikTok. The design shift underscores LinkedIn’s emphasis on consumption metrics and making video discovery easier.

The move opens new distribution avenues for creators who have garnered followings on TikTok by sharing career advice, job search tips, and professional development insights. Some of these influencers could potentially expand their reach through LinkedIn’s dedicated video hub.

The Microsoft-owned platform has not outlined monetization plans for the video feed at this stage. However, providing a revenue stream for creators is an anticipated move if the test generates enough user engagement and content supply to warrant a full product rollout.

For now, the short-form video feed remains in limited testing, with most LinkedIn users still lacking access to the experimental feature. Its future could hinge on whether members embrace or reject the incoming torrent of vertical video content.


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