It’s Cat Lady Heaven at Marshalls Right Meow – Jarastyle

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It's Cat Lady Heaven at Marshalls Right Meow - Jarastyle

I think there may be a cat lady who’s running the show at Marshalls right meow because when I was there last weekend there were so many kitty related things!

Of course I had to pick up this hilarious orange tabby version of one of my favorite artists, Vincent Van Gogh.

It's Cat Lady Heaven at Marshalls Right Meow - Jarastyle

These kitty chair lips were awfully tempting.

It's Cat Lady Heaven at Marshalls Right Meow - Jarastyle

Oh, in case you were looking for some cat-themed pillows, Marshshalls has got plenty of them to choose from, so take your pick.

It's Cat Lady Heaven at Marshalls Right Meow - Jarastyle

It's Cat Lady Heaven at Marshalls Right Meow - Jarastyle

I’m thinking I should bring this one to work, ha ha ha!

It's Cat Lady Heaven at Marshalls Right Meow - Jarastyle

It's Cat Lady Heaven at Marshalls Right Meow - Jarastyle

This one’s my favorite, though, because of the beading and the embroidery, although the cat mom in me can’t help but wonder if all of these plants are cat safe, hmm.

It's Cat Lady Heaven at Marshalls Right Meow - Jarastyle

See anything you like?

Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,


P.S. Happy, happy Thursday! This is the point of the week whenI start to the rapid process of devolving into a ball of useless mush. HA HA HA! This is why I now front load my week to do errands on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. By Thursday I’m worn out… It’s going to be takeout tonight, for sure.

Hope you have a wonderful day!


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