Itemized Receipt: 45 Minutes of Therapy | by Kathryn Nicolai | Jul, 2023 – Jarastyle

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Handing you a tissue — $15.78

Kathryn NicolaiThe Belladonna ComedyPhoto by Alex Green on Pexels

Head nod — $15.00

Taking notes — $7.00 per word

General questions about feelings — $10.00

“Mmmmm” — $5.50

Comfy seating on luxury couch — $200.56

Agreeing that not leaving your apartment for five days straight is not a good sign — $7.00

Fancy frame for the Master’s Degree hung right above my head — $15.00

Questions about your relationship with your mother — $48.00

Keeping track of which person did and said what in each of your rambling stories — $84.97

Handing you a tissue — $15.78

Each tissue — $21.07

Referral to well-known meditation app — $51.72

Talking about a workout class we both do — $6.25

Paper and ink to print long HIPAA agreements and insurance forms — $70.10

Awkward silence while you cry — $95.82

Scheduling next week’s appointment — $75.04

Extra 46th minute while you walk out — $1,000.99

Kathryn Nicolai is a copywriter based in New York City. Her humor writing has been featured in McSweeney’s and more.


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Jarastyle – #Itemized #Receipt #Minutes #Therapy #Kathryn #Nicolai #Jul
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