Is It Greta Gerwig’s Barbie Movie Or A Pepto Bismol Commercial? | by Amy Greenlee | Aug, 2023 – Jarastyle

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The “pink stuff” appears to be coating everything.

Amy GreenleeThe Belladonna ComedyCreated in Canva

  1. A main character is embarrassed by a surprising new bodily function.
  2. Several people look like they might throw up.
  3. There’s quite a bit of singing and choreographed dancing.
  4. Several male characters are willing to open up about a sensitive subject.
  5. There is a crucial scene featuring construction workers.
  6. The construction workers are dressed head to toe in pink.
  7. Someone insists on speaking with a doctor.
  8. Someone offers the main character a hard-to-swallow remedy for their condition.
  9. Death is disclosed as a possible side effect of the remedy.
  10. A narrator excitedly declares that “pink does more than you think”.
  11. The “pink stuff” appears to be coating everything.
  12. The “pink stuff” works by glossing over some larger issues to create a smooth finish.
  13. A main character learns to make peace with the full complexities of the human body.
  14. The audience decides they would like to have some more “pink stuff” on hand.

Greta Gerwig’s Barbie Movie: 7, 9

A Pepto Bismol Commercial: 6, 10

Both: 1–5, 8, 11–14


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