Inside Thoughts on the Outside – Jarastyle

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Inside Thoughts on the Outside - Jarastyle

  1. I never really thought that deeply about how the month of May feels in the cadence of the entire year, but now that I have a child in school, I really *feel* May in the marrow of my bones. It’s bittersweet.

    The school year is almost ending; my heart swells when I think that Connor will never be a first grader ever again. All the activities are wrapping up, too. Yesterday was her last dance team practice. I watched the girls do their final dance together and then do one last group hug. I may have gotten a little teary!

    I’ll miss seeing their smiling faces, along with the other moms who I’ve gotten to know over the last few months.

    At the same time, I’m excited about summer being just around the corner and spending more family time together.

    I know that this sweet era in our lives is going to fly by in an instant, so I want to do lots of fun things with her while I have her at home for the summer.

  2. This morning after running errands, I chilled in my new car for 15 minutes just SITTING there like a weirdo in the quiet comfort of my garage. Why am I like this, LOL? In my defense, the seats are super comfortable, and it’s quiet enough in there that one could take a legit nap.
  3. Speaking of short and sweet windows, I got a message from a recruiter the other day asking if I’d be interested in writing for a major makeup brand.

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    On paper, it sounds like an amazing opportunity to stretch my creative muscles, but I’d have to go full-time and commute to the city a few days a week. If I went for it and got it, it would come with major life adjustments. I’d see my family less, for sure, and Connor would probably need a nanny. Ultimately, all signs are pointing to it not being in the cards for me right now, but I told myself I’d just mull it over in my mind for the next couple days.

  4. I’ve been thinking about getting a dog for a while now; I know that Rosie is fine with them because she lived with several canine friends at her previous foster home, and we recently had a dog come visit us and she was completely chill.

    Anywho, the other day I met the most adorable mini Aussie dog named Chief who was so handsome and friendly, and now I’m low-key obsessed with mini Aussies.

    The logical part of my brain keeps telling me that the last thing I need on my already overcrowded plate is another young creature to keep alive, but at the same time, I think it would be great for Connor to grow up with an active “sibling” that could go with us on hikes and camping trips and whatnot.

    Karen, you probably can’t handle this right meow

    I realize this is probably just another phase that I need to move through. But dang, if the universe sent me a sweet dog right now, I wouldn’t be mad about it.

  5. I used to joke that having me for a roommate was like living in the musical you never auditioned for! I realized how much truth there is behind that statement when Connor came home with a book she made for me in which every other page mentions how we’re always singing and dancing together.

    Inside Thoughts on the Outside - Jarastyle

    Oh, and please note the disco ball above our heads.

Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,


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