I Bravely Announced My Cancer Diagnosis And All It Got Me Were These DMs From Total Randos | by Erin Quinn | May, 2023 – Jarastyle

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Who I appreciate and would have resented if they stayed silent.

Erin QuinnThe Belladonna ComedyPhoto by Paul Hanaoka on Unsplash

My friend’s mom (2:55pm)

Praying for you ❤ — Linda Mathews

My mom’s friend (2:55 pm)

Praying for you ❤ — Peggy Gordon

My friend whose godmother died two months after trying “natural” cancer cures (2:56pm)

Hey girl! Thinking of you. My godmother tried some amazing vitamins that she SWORE BY. Happy to send you what she had left!!!!! (It’s what she would have wanted.)

My spin instructor (2:58pm)

Making you a motivational playlist that will help you kick cancer’s you-know-what!!! Your 6am 🚲 Ride or Die Squad is rooting for you to get back to class asap!!!! ❤ ❤ YOU GOT THIS!!

My spin instructor (3:01pm)

ps out of sensitivity to your situation, we will of course change the name of our squad. 🙏

The dog account I follow (3:05pm)

Woof, tough break. 🐾

The guy I met at an ice bar in Budapest eight years ago and haven’t spoken to since (3:08pm)

“It’s not the destination, it’s the journey.” — Unknown

My spin instructor (3:09pm)

GREAT NEWS!! I know cancer can be expensive, so letting you know that I’ve started a GoFundMe to help you pay for your monthly spin pass during this difficult time. I’ve already shared the link with our Ride or LIVE group chat!! #JustKeepSpinning

My hair stylist (3:10pm)

OH NO!!! Will you need chemo???

My hair stylist (3:13pm)

Do you want to come in for one last hurrah before you start? I can squeeze you in next Thursday!!

The guy I met at an ice bar in Budapest eight years ago and haven’t spoken to since (3:14pm)

*edit: just looked it up, it was actually Ralph Waldo Emerson who said that, NOT Unknown. Hope all is well! (Other than with your health.)

A fast fashion brand with only 200 followers (3:14pm)


My coworker from three jobs ago (3:17pm)

If you survived Collins as a boss, you can survive cancer.

The guy I went on two Hinge dates with (3:21pm)

I noticed you deleted your Hinge profile, so reaching out here lol. Want to hit up that new Peruvian place on Tuesday?

The guy I went on two Hinge dates with (3:24pm)

Yikes! Just saw your post lol. Sounds like you have a lot going on right now. Maybe we should hold on grabbing dinner haha

My best friend’s roommate from freshman year (3:26pm)

OMG!!! I know this seems hard, but I totally know what you are going through. I had this lump last year that I thought was a tumor, but turns out it was an allergic reaction to my new ferret. If you recently purchased a ferret, I would STRONGLY suggest looking into the breeder’s return policy. (You DO NOT want to list ferrets on FB Marketplace though. TRUST ME.)

The cancer survivor (3:30pm)

Just remember: cancer sucks, but you do not. Also, a warning: you’ll likely receive a lot of unsolicited advice from randos.

The guy I went on two Hinge dates with (3:49pm)

On second thought, let’s get that dinner! Work is sorta crazy right now and I might be moving to New York, AKA I’m not looking for a long commitment, so our whole situation seems sorta serendipitous

The guy I went on two Hinge dates with (3:50pm)

No offense lol


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Jarastyle – #Bravely #Announced #Cancer #Diagnosis #DMs #Total #Randos #Erin #Quinn
Courtesy : https://thebelladonnacomedy.com/i-bravely-announced-my-cancer-diagnosis-and-all-it-got-me-were-these-dms-from-total-randos-e069b9783fcd?source=rss—-e9e22d25fb5e—4
